[Passed] Motion to join RSOT - @Cybnate

Given that the RSOT motion has passed I like to submit my proposal to join RSOT.
The proposal is similar to the one @mhps submitted a while ago. The only change I made is that I may need 48h for signing as I may not be able to sign when not at home and connected somewhere else. Hope that is acceptable. Therefore I only ask US$250 in BKS instead of US$300 for each 90 day period.

–Start motion–

@cybnate shall be one of the members of the B&C exchange reputed signer operations team (RSOT) to carry out responsibilities specified for the team.

@cybnate will be able to respond to any proposal for signing within 48 hours for 280 days a year, and be available on a best effort basis for the rest of the days.
@cybnate is able to carry out a maximum one signing a week, with its required investigation, discussion and deliberation, and no more than three a month. Being able to sign a request within 48 hours requires tools without which the response time cannot be held in case access to the Internet is limited.
Compensation for @cybnate will occur in 90-day cycles.

By the end of each cycle, a total of amount of 250 USD worth of BKS shall be paid to @cybnate, conditional on satisfactory performance, which shall be measured in terms of their presence, effort and contribution.
@cybnate reserves the right to withdraw from their service if they do not receive the full amount of compensation by the end of any cycle or by personal discretion. A withdrawal will be communicated at least 14 days in advance.
The service of @cybnate and the compensation cycles will commence from the passage of this motion.

–end motion–

The proposal is hashed and published here: https://daology.org/proposals/d7649fde9dcd01285b26317380125a62bbb7894f

Please add the following hash in your client if you want to support this motion:



Congratulations @Cybnate !

This motion passed.

How is the BKS price going to be determined?

It is irrelevant since this has passed.

Welcome to the team milady @Cybnate !

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@Cybnate are you still up for this?

Yes, I still am. But also happy if someone else would like to take it up. No offence taken. Just trying to make it all work from a shareholder perspective without necessarily wanting to be on RSOT.