[Passed] Motion to join FLOT - dysconnect

Often all I have access to is a web browser. As a framework question, can signing be done over the web? even if a private web server is needed to be set up? (over a vps or raspberry pi maybe)

Yes, also better and easier if your server has access to nud. You can do anything if you have a web server. Just remember for signing capabilities 1) you need to be able to create transactions (from inputs etc.) 2) you need to broadcast the signed transaction 3) you need to fetch partially signed transactions from the broadcasting channels used by other signers. Then somebody has to send out the transaction through nud.

For the R-pi there is no problem running nud.

It can be something like this:

  1. Use authentication and SSL

  2. Accepts HTTPS requests that do the following, passing args to nud if necessary:

  • Create raw transaction just given amount, multisig address, recipient
  • Sign raw transaction (password decrypt wallet if necessary)
  • Verify raw transaction and signatures
  • Broadcast raw transaction on network
  1. These should be tracked on your R-pi
  • Unspent outputs of the multisig address (tracked using nud or fetched from others)
  • Raw transactions pending signatures, and which people signed

Added your motion to the datafeed as you took the initiative and the draft have been up for a while.
Straightforward and clear motion, will work my way through the other motions in the next few days.


I am ready to help with that, do you have a public github repository?

Basically the same account I used for the meeting. There’s a dysconnect on github but I’m pretty sure that’s not me (not 100% sure it wasn’t an account I created then abandoned at some point). dc-tcs/git-multisig contains the script where dc-tcs/flot-operations is a repository for storing information needed for multisig.

So far the code is messy and horribly undocumented, but luckily it’s still short. Basically the only thing I can claim to have implemented is the tracking of unspent outputs given an address (currently the recent 100k grant address of JL for tier 4) and forming a transaction, syncing the repository with the blockchain if nud is available. It’s a long way from being usable but there’s stuff being done.

voted –

@assistant motion vote cb23c76e21e6ef7a568161e817869168f5273c4f

Hi @tomjoad

Here are the details for the Motion Vote on cb23c76e21e6ef7a568161e817869168f5273c4f:

Blocks: 5001 (50.010000%)
Share Days: 1377545936 (37.517576%)

This motion has passed. Congratulations @dysconnect, we look forward to seeing your ideas on FLOT.

1 Like

Was the role of share days removed?

Edit: Or did it never play a role? I might be mixing it up with the errorneous count of that motion a while back.

I think we’re still using SDD. Should be another day until SDD crosses 50%.

The motion has passed. Thanks to everyone who’s voted.

Given the current state I’ll focus on the technical aspects at least until we take over NBT signing from FSRT. I’ll also make sure my scripts are in a workable state before I spend time catching up with regulatory issues that are left out of Jordan’s motion.


I believe 90 days has passed since the passing of this motion, and it’s time to pay @dysconnect 435 US-NBT unless shareholders are dissatisfied with their service.

According to the motion, I also understand it as because @dysconnect has not been paid by the end of a cycle, they have the right to withdraw from FLOT.

  • Where does @dysconnect want the 435 US-NBT sent for payment of the first cycle?
  • Am I correct in assuming FLOT will send them to @dysconnect?
  • Will @dysconnect continue to be part of FLOT?

Thank you for bringing this up. I figured a custodian grant but getting FLOT to send money is easier, or there will be 8 custodian grants to keep track of.

A more proper way would be to get shareholders to vote on a single motion on payment methods and then take funds out of sell side.

In lieu of a motion perhaps we can ask whether a shareholder would disapprove of such an arrangement.

Either way I’ll keep working in FLOT for up to 2 weeks before I receive funds. Next time I’ll bring it up myself 2 weeks before the 90-day limit (didn’t keep track of the dates this time).

A custodial* grant does seem to make more sense in ensuring shareholder satisfaction is honored, but(?) it also puts more pressure on shareholders to follow through. Is it possible to have multiple voting feeds? Thinking if shareholders were to trust someone else to make the judgement for them.

A single motion encompassing payment to FLOT members may be useful, but still, how will shareholder satisfaction be honored? Should those who believe in terminating a member put up a motion, and it be assumed the member’s continued service is desired unless such a motion passes? Doesn’t sound unreasonable to me.

* Is it custodian or custodial? I still don’t understand this. Custodian vote, custodial grant? I’d like some clarity. A custodian is voted in by a custodial grant?


Custodial grants. Ahem. Perhaps.

Anyway let’s try putting up custodial grant request. This time they should either all go in to a single thread or be a part of this thread.

I withdraw from my duties and cease to be a FLOT member. While it is not under the conditions formally stipulated in the motion, the only possible consequence is the forgoing of my compensation for this cycle.

I will review and sign proposed transactions for another 7 days as a courtesy to the fellow FLOT members and the wonderful active community members, which unfortunately comprise only a minority of NSR holders. Beyond this period, the NBT and BKS multisig group will operate more or less with what is effectively a 3-of-4 multisig address, and BTC address will effectively be 5-of-7.

I will not destroy my private key yet, and will try to keep it safe for future reference, but FLOT members are encouraged to migrate to another multisig address within this buffer period. I try to make myself available to sign for migration transactions from the BKS, NBT and BTC multisig addresses indefinitely. @masterOfDisaster @jooize @mhps @cryptog @Dhume @ttutdxh @woodstockmerkle

While I will still exist on this forum, it will mostly be for my interests as a BKS holder. I wish Nu all the best for its future endeavors.

I feel sorry for your departure. I appreciate your insights and effort.