[Passed] Liquidbits.net trustless liquidity provision on USD, EUR and BTC pairs

My bot is still running, the orders are still placed, but from 2015/05/17-17:26:01 (UTC) on I only get

2015/05/17-17:27:01 INFO: ccedk - balance: 0.00000000 rate: 0.00% ppm: 0.00000000 efficiency: 0.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - 

Is the server down?

The server wasnā€™t down, but I just restarted it. Investigating the logs, the number of issues in the last few days are slightly overwhelming for me. Was not expecting this amount of workload due to all kinds of unusual (?) issues. Will try to chew through them.

Thanks for your patience., will get it right eventually.


which port does nbt.liquidbits.net use? where is the port number specified? not in the conf file.

It uses port 80. It doesnā€™t need to be specified when you are using the bat or bash files. In Plunge you need to enter it once when defining the pool. The documentation is here: http:/cybnate.github.io (work in progress).

For the record: I received a payout at 7:52 UTC today.
Although I might shoot in my own leg: the pools is a very attractive one!

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Well, a happy customer, what more can you wish for? Thanks MoD.

We finally have tackled a number of annoying issues which made joining this pool a bit of a rough ride in the last week or so.

  1. CCEDK issues with expired certificate have been resolved by CCEDK.
  2. Plunge now works very nicely with LiquidBits.net. Check out the instructions here
  3. Auto-payouts are working now. It appeared that I shouldnā€™t have added a description to my grant address.

One outstanding issue is that it appears that the bot very occasionally drops its order on CCEDK (Bitcoin.co.id is working fine). It is hard to reproduce therefore, so please let me know when you notice that this happens.

Please check out the latest release (v1.1LB) of the software here. This version is similar to the version Nu-Pool runs. When you already have that there is no need to download it. Just donā€™t forget to change the settings to LiquidBits :smile: Latest Plunge v0.5 you can find here.


Working fine on CCEDKā€™s NBT/USD here.

I finally seem to have run into certificate issues - or maybe something else.
My bot is out of orderā€¦

What version are you running?

Problems were related to CCEDK API.
@woolly_sammoth got that problem solved by making the CCEDK devs aware of it.
I bet that tracking this down took some time for @woolly_sammoth, but he finally succeeded.

Thank you, @woolly_sammoth for this first class support !

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My client is running happily at 100% efficiency now. I hope it is the same for others running on liquidbits.
If anyone experiences a loss of orders, please do let me know. Iā€™d like to track down the cause of that (if it hasnā€™t been fixed in the APi update)

I went away for a few days and came back to the client showing error messages:
2015/05/21-10:53:34 ERROR: unable to retrieve order book for usd on ccedk: exception caught: The read operation timed out
2015/05/21-10:54:05 ERROR: unable to retrieve order book for usd on ccedk: exception caught: The read operation timed out

I restarted the client but now I donā€™t get any output logged to screen after it starts. It looks like itā€™s just hanging

Try downloading the latest client from https://github.com/inuitwallet/nu-pool/releases/latest. The ccedk wrapper had some updates today which mean it runs against the update api. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Itā€™s working for me now. Thanks :slight_smile:


Wow this works. It didnā€™t work for me before because I was using @creonā€™s git repository.
Can we (@woolly_sammoth, @Cybnate @Nagalim) name forks other than the original nu-pool (e.g. nu-pool-LB) in the git so that one can conveniently clone more than one repository in the same local directory?

I call NuPond. The other thing that would be nice is if we published ā€˜long-term stabileā€™ updates.

Wouldnā€™t it be possible to have all in the same git master, but different branches?
That would make it so much easier to keep the stuff up-to-date if you deal with multiple TLLP pools (which I for instance do).

CCEDK BOT/API still presents issues. My apologies, I suppose that we have to say that the CCEDK pair NBT/EUR and NBT/USD service is no longer available on LiquidBits until further notice. Effectively that has been the case anyway. We hope that CCEDK gets their API stable in the next few days. Thanks again to @woolly who has already spend a lot of hours on it while CCEDK if fiddling with it on their side.

The Bitcoin.co.id NBT/BTC service on LiquidBits is still working without any issues and still has some space to provide liquidity.

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I think I will be shifting to bitcoin.co.id for a while. Tks everybody for the hard work so far.

There has been trouble due to API changes and downtimes in the last two days, but CCEDK seems to run quite stable since then.
Some are still providing liquidity - http://nbt.liquidbits.net/status:

{"credits": 12215, "users": 3, "validations": 439742, "liquidity": [0.0, 2700.209652537693], "sampling": 36}

That includes the liquidity on Bitcoin.co.id. But you are right someone / some people does/do provide liquidity through CCEDK. Unfortunately Iā€™m not able to successfully run a bot myself for unknown reasons. Until then I would advise to use CCEDK only to test. I canā€™t guarantee that the bot will work optimally at this stage and issues may occur. Payouts on CCEDK pairs are still active though if you can make it work for yourself.