Could be, the app is installed on a Xiaomi Mi 3, with MIUI interface.
Haven’t seen that behaviour on my device either. Explicitly tested a few scenarios, but it just works.
Testing also on Sony Xperia Z with Android 4.4.2 and Samsung Tablet with 4.0.4
No problems so far, and I don’t have the Data usage issue that I am experiencing with the Xiaomi MIUI
We have arrived at the end of our 1 week testing period. It looks like the Android client is stable. Only a report from Glock on a somewhat non-standard device I believe and the issue Woolly reported about the blockchain stalling at an custodial address it owns. Although I like to see them fixed, I don’t think they are contractual showstoppers for the final payment of release 1.
I therefore propose to pay the Developer on invoicing for release 1 and with that the APK will be published on Google Play. Please let me know if you don’t agree or forgot to submit issues you found.
NuBits wallet working fine on Google Nexus 5.
Matthew sent me an updated wallet apk yesterday that fixed the Custodial Grant issue.
I’d like to thank him for the hard work he put into this fairly edge case issue.
Thanks for testing. What version are you using Kitkat or Lollipop?
It is great that he did fix it. I won’t hesitate to pay the invoice as he went the extra mile here. So from now on you can even receive and make use of your custodial grant when on the road or while waiting at the airport!
And thanks to Woolly we know we can retrieve the keys from the Android wallet assuming you know the passphrase.
NuBits Android wallet v2.0 download link
You can now download or update the official 2.0 update from Google Play here
When you already had 1.0 installed through Google Play you already received an update or it is waiting for you depending on your settings. Enjoy!
I’ve updated the download link on and tweeted it out too. I’m not completely satisfied with the layout and spacing of the Download page right now, so I’ll try and make time to improve it soon.
@cybnate Uninstalled and re-installed new version from Google Play. Works fine. However, one issue: When importing wallet back-up, notification pops-up that app doesn’t respond and asks me if I want to wait or terminate process. I pressed wait and after few seconds import was completed. Could be confusing to some users.
Thanks for the feedback. The pop-up is Android behaviour when a background task doesn’t respond fast enough. Not sure whether something can be done about that. Suggestions are welcome.
Should be enough to mention it in the FAQ.
I have just downloaded and tested NuBits Android wallet and it looks promising, but I can’t copy my NuBits address to paste it anywhere else, what if i want to withdraw some NuBits from an exchange?
I wonder if it is possible in the future to add a Feature that allows to search for other wallet users that offers to Buy/Sell NuBits Locally for traditional Currencies, As well as pushing -humble- notifications about near merchants accepting NuBits in exchange for their goods and services as an Ads service supporting the centralized servers and may be the whole Network !
Sorry for being late on this.
Thanks for your feedback. Have had more people struggling with it. It is a bit of an design issue I believe.
The idea is when you need an address to receive coins (even when they are yours on the exchange) you go to ‘request coins’ and either ‘copy’ or ‘share’.
With ‘copy’ you will get a copy on the clipboard of the complete request including nu: at the start, then the address and if you entered the number of coin the amount at the end.
With ‘share’ you will get a list with applications. I often use email to share my address with to send people my address if they are not next to me. That way you can also copy and paste your address to an exchange.
You can do the same from the ‘address book’.
Another trick I’ve learnt is to use something like ‘Quickmark-QR’ on Windows. I’ve installed that on my PC/laptop with camera and I scan the QR code from my mobile Android wallet. From there on you can copy and paste the address to where you want.
I agree that it would be nice to be able to copy and paste the address directly from the front page on your mobile to the website of an exchange. The current front page GUI hasn’t much space to do so unfortunately.
Update Android development
This morning Matthew updated me on progress. Things are ticking along and unfortunately there is not much to show yet. He has been focussing on the backend coding which is quite normal in software development, but he said that he will start with GUI soon.
He has also looked at the currency rates feed Coinomi is using for their wallet as they have more currencies listed. However it is unclear where they originally source this feed from other than from their own website. It may well be a paid feed. Please advise whether someone knows about a fiat currency feed outside Yahoo’s. Even when subscription based I would consider it when the fees are not ridiculously high. It would also be useful for Nu-Pool (e.g. for the EUR/NBT pair)
I’m sending you a pm
Here is a little teaser of the Android wallet Shapeshifting some Bitcoins. Very exciting, can’t wait to have this in my hands!
Matthew reports that work is going well. He is now working on the application logic and then of course the testing.
He also reports we might get a bonus; the ability to store foreign (e.g. Bitcoin) addresses in the address book.
That way you don’t need to scan or copy/paste your commonly used BTC or PPC addresses. Just pick them from the address book and pay in BTC with your NBT on the fly.
We are getting close now and mainly waiting for to update/improve their API while more testing takes place. While you are all eagerly waiting Matthew gave me a screenshot of another yet undocumented feature in the new release:
And here is an example of the output:
NuDroid release candidate now available!
Check it all out here:
NuDroid with Shapeshift integration now available on Google Play!
Release notes NuDroid v3.0:
- Built-in Shapeshift functionality, pay with supported coins seamlessly without an exchange accountStore supported foreign coin addresses in address book
- Scanning QR codes of other supported coins including Bitcoin
- Export transactions to comma delimited file (CSV), e.g. for bookkeeping.
- Improved peer recognition (faster synchronisation)
- Bug fix causing crashes or payments not progressing.
Please have a look at previous release notes about the Android wallet for more functionality.
Bonus functionality:
- added an “Export” item in the menu on the main activity (transaction list) which exports the transaction details into a CSV file with the columns: Date, Label, In Amount, Out Amount (inc. fee), Fee, Address, Transaction Hash, Confirmations.improved speed of finding peers.
Github Repository:
NuDroid is open source. Check out my landing page with all the repos:
See more details about this version here: NuDroid v3 - with Shapeshift integration now available on Google Play. See all details about this grant in the OP.
Mobile landing page and marketing
Still under development