I currently have 49.54% support for being elected Chief of Liquidity Operations under grant address ShrB92Q61TiL9ZaQXZQCMB2qszYKqTMkGU, while support is trending at 52.7%. Unfortunately, support for my previous grant to become Chief of Liquidity Operations is trending at 12%. Every block I examined that had a vote for the old grant address did not have a vote for the new grant address, ShrB92Q61TiL9ZaQXZQCMB2qszYKqTMkGU. This means due to confusion votes to make me Chief of Liquidity Operations are being split between two grant address. It means my actual level of support is probably trending around 65% right now.
If you are only voting for SWm1xC4n5jSGjRRdSKfzroUBgTto2zRA8X and not ShrB92Q61TiL9ZaQXZQCMB2qszYKqTMkGU, it is probably a mistake, because the latter is much more restrictive and is the one with an imminent chance of passage. Please add ShrB92Q61TiL9ZaQXZQCMB2qszYKqTMkGU in your custodial grant window if that is the case.
Ah, my comments were irrelevant. I would be offended, but I at least gave you the respect in trying to explain why your plan is swiss cheese. I’ll take this cop-out tactic as a win for me.
It’s ok to admit if you made some mistakes. It’s not ok to expect strangers on the Internet to believe this soap opera as you tell it.
Good to take instructions according to my motion and the update here: [Passed] Changing Spread for Passive Dual-Side Pybot for Poloniex and Bittrex. Please note that the motion is past its 2 months period, but I’m ok to agree a grace period when this motions has passed if appreciated or else return the funds and dismantle my gateway operations.
Almost forgot about it, but I also have shareholder’s funds to execute a contract for NuDroid. Will need to ask for dispensation for the execution now the peg is broken and I need to raise a motion for that. Fell of the priority list, but I’m onto it. Of the 16,000 NBT, 4000 NBT has been paid for the first term as per grant, leaving me with 12,000 NBT.
I have secured an agreement with @jooize to work with me on the liquidity operations team for the same 90 day term I have with shareholders. For now he will be conducting NSR auctions, NSR sales on Poloniex, NBT purchases on Poloniex and NBT burns. Later he will be running a gateway. He will be paid 600,000 NSR per month out of grants to me for liquidity operations. That is a great value for shareholders.
So, right now, liquidity operations consists of myself, @jooize and the members of FLOT. I am considering a reorganization of FLOT at this time.
How the hell did this pass? Can any shareholders who voted in favor of this grant speak up and proclaim their reasoning for doing so? Or is there some elaborate attack form @Phoenix that led to him being able to pass this motion?
I really don’t understand either: @Phoenix = Jordanlee and due to his disappearance should now be considered a rogue actor or @Phoenix is a new entity with 0 buildup trust in the community and who may have malicious intentions that are unknown to us. In both cases it would be extremely ill advised to put this person into a position of power……