Park rates not displaying

When I open the nubits wallet and go to the park section there are no park rates. Can anyone help with this?

I am interested in parking nubits. I want to know what interest can be earned for parking nubits for different lengths of time. I do not know if the issue is that I do not have any nubits in my nubits wallet but I would prefer to know what park rates I can get currently on nubits before buying them. So that could be something to make it friendlier to people who open a nubits wallet for the first time and are interested in the park rate if that is the case. Might as well show off a selling feature.

If this is the way that nushare holders are voting on park rates that is good to know but I think it would be helpful for it to say something like “no park rates are currently being offered” instead of it just being blank like what I am seeing.


In my understanding, there are no park rates because almost nobody is voting for any rate right now.
There is no need to remove some NuBits from circulation right now.

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Jordan Lee made a post recently showing how anyone can see what park rates are being voted for in the client if you would like to verify this as well.

Here’s the latest Park rate votes
@assistant Park rate votes


Hi woolly_sammoth

The current park rate votes in the Nu network are:


2.8 days (4096 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6563(91%) | Accumulated: 91%
APR: 0 | Share days: 107(1%) | Accumulated: 93%
APR: 4 | Share days: 470(6%) | Accumulated: 100%

5.7 days (8192 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 5875(82%) | Accumulated: 82%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 82%
APR: 0 | Share days: 45(0%) | Accumulated: 82%
APR: 0 | Share days: 103(1%) | Accumulated: 84%
APR: 0 | Share days: 4(0%) | Accumulated: 84%
APR: 0 | Share days: 8(0%) | Accumulated: 84%
APR: 0 | Share days: 427(5%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 5 | Share days: 670(9%) | Accumulated: 100%

11.4 days (16384 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6217(87%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 48(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 45(0%) | Accumulated: 88%
APR: 0 | Share days: 4(0%) | Accumulated: 88%
APR: 0 | Share days: 8(0%) | Accumulated: 88%
APR: 1 | Share days: 141(1%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 5 | Share days: 670(9%) | Accumulated: 100%

22.8 days (32768 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6167(86%) | Accumulated: 86%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 86%
APR: 0 | Share days: 45(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 4(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 48(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 49(0%) | Accumulated: 88%
APR: 0 | Share days: 8(0%) | Accumulated: 88%
APR: 0 | Share days: 103(1%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 1 | Share days: 37(0%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 5 | Share days: 670(9%) | Accumulated: 100%

1.5 months (65536 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6216(87%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 4(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 0 | Share days: 15(0%) | Accumulated: 87%
APR: 1 | Share days: 191(2%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 2 | Share days: 37(0%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 5 | Share days: 670(9%) | Accumulated: 100%

3.0 months (131072 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6166(86%) | Accumulated: 86%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 86%
APR: 0 | Share days: 4(0%) | Accumulated: 86%
APR: 1 | Share days: 158(2%) | Accumulated: 88%
APR: 1 | Share days: 97(1%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 2 | Share days: 37(0%) | Accumulated: 90%
APR: 4 | Share days: 670(9%) | Accumulated: 100%

6.1 months (262144 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6554(91%) | Accumulated: 91%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 91%
APR: 0 | Share days: 8(0%) | Accumulated: 91%
APR: 1 | Share days: 54(0%) | Accumulated: 92%
APR: 2 | Share days: 48(0%) | Accumulated: 93%
APR: 4 | Share days: 470(6%) | Accumulated: 100%

1.0 years (524288 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 6974(97%) | Accumulated: 97%
APR: 0 | Share days: 5(0%) | Accumulated: 97%
APR: 1 | Share days: 54(0%) | Accumulated: 98%
APR: 2 | Share days: 8(0%) | Accumulated: 98%
APR: 3 | Share days: 48(0%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 4 | Share days: 49(0%) | Accumulated: 100%

2.0 years (1048576 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 7037(98%) | Accumulated: 98%
APR: 1 | Share days: 54(0%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 2 | Share days: 0(0%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 4 | Share days: 48(0%) | Accumulated: 100%

4.0 years (2097152 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 7085(99%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 1 | Share days: 54(0%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 2 | Share days: 0(0%) | Accumulated: 100%

8.1 years (4194304 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 7085(99%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 1 | Share days: 54(0%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 2 | Share days: 0(0%) | Accumulated: 100%

16.2 years (8388608 Blocks)

APR: 0 | Share days: 7086(99%) | Accumulated: 99%
APR: 1 | Share days: 54(0%) | Accumulated: 100%

All the responses are helpful thank you.

@assistant thank you for sharing the current park rate votes. Can anyone please explain how the park rate votes information should be interpreted. What is Share days? What is Accumulated? What would the percentages for Share days and Accumulated mean. Why are there sometimes multiple APR numbers for example 6.1 months has 3 APR: 0

Any help understanding the voting for park rates is appreciated. Thanks

hi @nubitsParker. I’m a little in the dark myself but can make educated guesses at most.
The share days are effectively the vote weight. They are the number of share days that have been destroyed in the minting of the voting blocks. To be considered true a voted APR needs to have over 50% of the share day percentage of the last 10000 blocks. You can see the percentage of share days in parenthesis next to the ‘Share days’ value.
As you can see the majority of the votes in the last 10000 blocks have been for 0% APR over all time periods, hence the lack of park rates at the moment. There are some votes for other values which are the other ones that appear in the votes. They all have very small Share Day percentages though so don’t get to affect teh APR rates.

I’m not totally sure what the Accumulated values are but they come in the JSON return from the Nu client so I added them to the output for Assistant.

Hope that explains some of it.
If anyone has a different explanation or a sggestion for presenting the data in a more easily consumable format, please do let me know.