NuDroid v3 - with Shapeshift integration now available on Google Play

So you need to trust currently that the server will not store your private keys I guess.
But what would be the difference between trusting that the desktop qt client is not sending your private keys somewhere to a remote server?
I am trying to get to know what is pro of downloading the whole blockchain.

nope. You only trust the server, that itā€™s feeding you the correct blocks.
This is very important to understand.

Right. Good point. The reason is because you can check the code source i guess and everything is pretty clear inside. :smile:
Now the question is in what circumstances you can trust the server to broadcast the correct blocks ?
I would say that if it is for small transactions, like buying a coffee or a restaurant bill( up to a couple of hundreds of nubits inside your wallet) I feel it is fine.
But in case of savings like a couple of thousands, it s probably not a good idea, in principle.

Currently there are 2 layers of trust involved when you use NuDroid:

  1. You have to trust Matthew that he has no back-doors in the software. That is easily proven by looking at the source code for people that are able to read it.
  2. The default servers currently implemented are a bit more problematic, but since I trust cybnate and/or matthew not to screw us over, I have a good feeling that the blocks parsed by NuDroid are correct. If I recall correctly, those servers are not much more than blockexplorers which you can actually check in the browser. Donā€™t ask me about the URL, but if youā€™re having trust issues when making a transaction, you can check in the browser UI first, which blockchain itā€™s on.

Using the default servers might be the most convenient thing for casual users. I guess itā€™s also a little (like <10 s) faster if sender and recipient are on the same block feed :wink:


And you will have to build the App yourself otherwise you would trust us building the binary from the source published. We could point it to a different set of peers we manipulate, hard work, but possible.

Agree, most users would be fine with the default server. The other advantage is that when we have two or more servers we will have a bit of resiliency. Even if one is DDOSā€™ed you could just configure a secondary server with the new release.

On a different note: Iā€™ve currently only contracted the advertisement for 2 months, leaving an option to contract for another month. However we can also spend this marketing money on something different e.g. a short video showing how easy NuDroid is and showcasing paying at a point of sale. Just a short 1.5-2 minute shot. That investment would potentially last longer than an advertisement. The challenge is finding someone to record such video for a good price as our friend Chronos seems to have left the community for the competition.
@tomjoad Maybe you have some good leads?


I am curious. Bitshares?



EDIT: he works on the user interface, it seems.

My understanding is that he joined the Bitshares community - that doesnā€™t imply he has left the Nu community.
I canā€™t say that diversification is a bad idea.
And I wouldnā€™t like to treat this as it were a religious thing where you can only have one true god.
Iā€™d be happier with @Chronos spending all his energy for Nu or Peercoin, but (fortunately!) itā€™s not my affair to tell him what to do :wink:

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Contributing to 2 competitors is a bit odd as a way to diversify.
It is also awkward since the leader of bitshares called Nu a ponzi.
Fortunately chronos is not sigmike. :smile:
Anyways, no non compete agreement has been signed so I am fine from a moral and legal perspecitive.

Not if you think that at least one of these competitors succeeds :wink:
ā€¦you wouldnā€™t want to place a bet on the wrong horse, do you?

It seems strange, but in the end it can be of advantage for both competitors, if there are individuals following the development closely. One might learn from the mistakes of the other.
And even if in the end only one succeeds this one will even be stronger than without learning from the other.

Iā€™m aware that this might be perceived controversial, but my understanding is the NSR grants that have been developed for Nu and the seeded auctions @Nagalim is trying to create are ultimately quickened by the ponzi allegations - the allegations have made Nu stronger and better positioned.
Having competitors is not only bad :slight_smile:

And so I think having members with active roles in competing looks strange, but itā€™s not necessarily for the bad as long as it happens in a transparent way.

Exactly. I havenā€™t left ā€“ here I am! :smile: Iā€™d be happy to put in a bid for a NuDroid demonstration video.

@Cybnate, feel free to send me a PM with details on the video proposal. Thanks!


As a Nu community member working in the interest of Nu, I can only hope and expect that you might steal and provide us information/intelligence/know-how (if any), within the Nu and bitshares legal terms, so that it might benefit Nu and raise the probability of Nuā€™s success.

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Have sent Chronos a proposal and some ideas. Will let you know what the outcome is.

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Bump, anyone good to bump this post for our friends at Bitcointalk?

Thinking it is a bit quiet with the NuDroid marketing? Not really, a lot is happening and about to happen:

  • Just launched a Reddit giveaway for 100 NBT. Grab your copy of NuDroid now and have chance on getting 2 NBT.
  • One video is underway created by Chronos, and I have asked him for another one which I privately funded.
  • Iā€™ve also privately funded sponsored link on BTC site focused on the Philippines in Tagalog (local language) as a trial.
  • Also check out this link with the release notes and specifications which will soon be on

And of course we still have our advertisement on running. See the banner below:


Just posted this:

You might like it :wink:


I canā€™t stand know it alls like that guy. I posted something.

We donā€™t need to be hostile. I totally understand why you called him a jerk, but anyone that cares knows heā€™s full of it, we donā€™t need to degrade our argument with name calling.

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Yeah, kinda regretting it now, so I edited that part out. Honestly thereā€™s going to be a lot of those kinds of people, so itā€™s best to not spend too much time on them and just state the facts.

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