NuBot /

Is there a NuBot operator around?
I pm’ed @desrever, but two days ago he told us about

I recognized that the liquidity information was not being broadcast properly from NuBot.
I started nud with no effect.
Then I started NuBot.
The result: NuBot doesn’t start.

The error message reads

12:47:38.106 [main] ERROR - could not launch bot java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown error [c.n.n.l.MainLaunch:173]

nud seems to run properly and with the right ports:

netstat -lntu
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN

Needless to say that I didn’t change the rpcuser or the rpcpassword of nud - it still is the same in ~/.nu/nu.conf and the NuBot config file.

For the record: name resolution for doesn’t work and I guess the NuBot malfunction is related to that.

The example config on bitbucket uses a different port, but I was told that 5556 is right. So my NuBot config file contains

Is anybody able to tell me the correct streaming server settings?

Hi @masterOfDisaster I will look into it, in the meantime simply set bypassStreaming : true

Thank you for your reply and your extraordinary level of support - even if you are away from computers!
I was hesitant about changing that parameter.
As far as I understand the streaming server is required for price discovery, no?

I set it to bypassStreaming : true following your recommendation.
NuBot on modPuddle is up again.

I’ve found what the problem is : I didn’t pay the renewal of the domain name … Doing it now. Sorry.

Its not strictly required, but it facilitate a smooth and sync pricing with multiple operators… NuBot is able to work without it autonomously and if you set multiplecustodian to true will use a list of NTP servers to sync its clock with others, and hard reset walls every three minutes.

PS: starting tomorrow I will slowly roll back into Nu development activities. Forgive my absence .

Back, you can try to turn the bypass off !

Bypass is off. NuBot is running. Issue resolved!

is there trouble with the stream server (“streamingServer” : “”,) or is the problem at my end?

10:02:22.794 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - ShiftOrdersMessage: {"command":"shiftWalls","args":[null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null],"errorMessage":"Cannot fetch. Stream server cannot obtain a reliable price update for [BTC]. Consecutive failures :  74","token":"BTC_30e749","serverTimestamp":"2016-03-18 10:02:22","attachments":[[{"error":false,"source":"bitfinex","currencyMeasured":{"fiat":false,"code":"BTC","extendedName":"Bitcoin","defaultMainFeedName":"bitfinex","defaultbackupFeedNames":["blockchain","bitcoinaverage","coinbase","bitstamp","kraken"]},"price":{"quantity":415.42,"currency":{"fiat":true,"code":"USD","extendedName":"US Dollar","defaultMainFeedName":"","defaultbackupFeedNames":[]}},"timestamp":"Mar 18, 2016 5:01:17 AM"}],74.0]} [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:161]
10:02:22.802 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - These is the raw list of prices obtained by Streamer : [{error=false, source=bitfinex, currencyMeasured={fiat=false, code=BTC, extendedName=Bitcoin, defaultMainFeedName=bitfinex, defaultbackupFeedNames=[blockchain, bitcoinaverage, coinbase, bitstamp, kraken]}, price={quantity=415.42, currency={fiat=true, code=USD, extendedName=US Dollar, defaultMainFeedName=, defaultbackupFeedNames=[]}}, timestamp=Mar 18, 2016 5:01:17 AM}] [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:162]
10:02:22.809 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR - Streamer reported an error :Cannot fetch. Stream server cannot obtain a reliable price update for [BTC]. Consecutive failures :  74 [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:219]

I just restarted the service, could you try again?

Doesn’t look bad:

14:50:16.961 [main] INFO  - Configuring NuBot for Dual-Side strategy [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.NuBotSecondary:60]
14:50:16.975 [main] INFO  - Plugging into websocket at [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.NuBotSecondary:128]
14:50:18.281 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Connection OK [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:552]
14:50:44.098 [checkNud] INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask:37]
14:52:11.316 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Streamer requested a wallShift. pair= btc_usd feed=bitfinex price=415.74 currencyTracked= BTC, firstTime:true [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:175]
14:52:11.693 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Initiating price subscription. Streamer will push a notification when price changes more than 0.2%. Initial price to track: 415.74 USD [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:181]
14:52:11.722 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Computing USD prices with sellOffset:0.015$ and buyOffset:0.015  : buy @ 1.0177999999999998 buy @ 0.9825 [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:424]
14:52:11.735 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Actual prices from bitfinex (using 1 BTC = 415.74 USD) : sell @ 0.00244816 BTC; buy @ 0.00236326 BTC [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:434]
14:52:11.742 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - setBuyPricePEG : 0.00236326 [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.StrategySecondaryPegTask:228]
14:52:11.749 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - set setSellPricePEG : 0.00244816 [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.StrategySecondaryPegTask:219]
14:52:11.755 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Started BotTask Strategy Secondary Task [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.BotTask:57]
14:52:11.764 [Strategy Secondary Task] WARN  - Initializing strategy [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:137]
14:52:11.772 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO  - setting up ordermanager [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.StrategySecondaryPegTask:138]
14:52:11.784 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Subscribing to websocket push updates from streamer @ tcp:// [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:103]

But a few lines later is this:

14:52:42.408 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR - Streamer reported an error :Cannot fetch. Stream server cannot obtain a reliable price update for [BTC]. Consecutive failures :  421 [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:219]
14:53:06.883 [checkOrders] WARN  - Liquidity is not being sent : orders are not yet initialized [c.n.n.t.CheckOrdersTask:145]
14:53:11.033 [checkNud] INFO  - Executing class com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.CheckNudTask:37]
14:53:32.837 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO  - Order placed = OrderToPlace{type=SELL, pair=nbtbtc, size=9.99, price=0.00244744} [com.nubits.nubot.models.MultipleOrdersResponse:88]
14:53:32.843 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO  - Order ID = d374a001-ad8e-47a2-9874-56fdabd1a9e9

Good find, need to investigate this . Thanks

Did you do anything?
Looks better now:

17:30:36.630 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Subscribing to websocket push updates from streamer @ tcp:// [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:103]
17:33:49.571 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Streamer requested a wallShift. pair= btc_usd feed=bitfinex price=408.55 currencyTracked= BTC, firstTime:false [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:175]
17:33:49.855 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Streamer :command shift walls. newprice: 408.55 [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:191]
17:33:49.887 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Computing USD prices with sellOffset:0.015$ and buyOffset:0.03  : buy @ 1.0177999999999998 buy @ 0.9675 [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:332]
17:33:49.903 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Actual prices from bitfinex (using 1 BTC = 408.55 USD) : sell @ 0.00249125 BTC; buy @ 0.00236813 BTC [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:343]
17:33:49.911 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Strategy received a price change notification. [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:162]
17:35:23.432 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Shift needed on **bittrex** - Reason : BTC Streaming server sent shift command. [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:199]
17:35:23.440 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Cannot shift walls, orders are being reinitiated. Price is already adjusted. [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:297]
17:35:23.449 [pool-1-thread-1] ERROR - Wall shift failed [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:208]
17:35:23.464 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - New price computed [Fri Mar 18 17:35:23 UTC 2016,bitfinex,BTC,408.55,USD,0.00249125,0.00236813,] [com.nubits.nubot.tasks.PriceMonitorTriggerTask:483]
17:38:09.031 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Streamer :command shift walls. newprice: 407.5 [c.n.n.s.Subscriber:191]
17:38:09.058 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Computing USD prices with sellOffset:0.015$ and buyOffset:0.03  : buy @ 1.0177999999999998 buy @ 0.9675 [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:332]
17:38:09.072 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  - Actual prices from bitfinex (using 1 BTC = 407.5 USD) : sell @ 0.00249767 BTC; buy @ 0.00237423 BTC [com.nubits.nubot.streamclient.Subscriber:343]
17:38:09.080 [pool-1-thread-1] WARN  - Strategy received a price change notification. [c.n.n.s.S.StrategySecondaryPegTask:162]