These are the current settings:
[BTC] Bitcoin 3.20403512
On orders: 12.60807397
BTC value: 15.81210909
[NBT] NuBits 6904.13898635
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 30.37892400
[BTC] Bitcoin 11.51723369
On orders: 12.77052309
BTC value: 24.28775678
[NBT] NuBits 3385.35772745
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 22.42180731
10000 NBT have been received
25 BTC have been sent back
[BTC] Bitcoin 22.12485355
On orders: 13.26820522
BTC value: 35.39305877
[NBT] NuBits 0.00000000
On orders: 4914.03519696
BTC value: 12.23594764
[BTC] Bitcoin 25.76591399
On orders: 13.04244169
BTC value: 38.80835568
[NBT] NuBits 0.00000000
On orders: 3564.14606105
BTC value: 8.71041655
@zoro, is your NuBot running properly?
The broadcast liquidity doesn’t get updated; buy side value is not moving if BTC price moves.
It’s on
"buy" : 19508.97,
"ask" : 0.0
and was the same hours ago.
I noticed that, because the broadcast liquidity value of my NuBot changed when yours didn’t.
Nud connectivity issues. I just restarted nud and nubot. Nubot was working ok, only liquidity report had stopped.
thanks for heads up!
I made a tiny script that makes (manual) monitoring easy:
modGateway="BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" # mod poloniex NuBot
zoroGateway="BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" # zoro poloniex NuBot
echo "date"
echo "status of mOD dual side gateway:"
echo "nud getliquidityinfo B | grep "$modGateway" -A 2"
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep $modGateway -A 2
echo "status of zoro dual side gateway:"
echo "nud getliquidityinfo B | grep "$zoroGateway" -A 2"
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep $zoroGateway -A 2
I will add @Cybnate’s PyBot there as soon as it’s funded
6000 NBT have been received.
[BTC] Bitcoin 34.74393704
On orders: 12.84703774
BTC value: 47.59097478
[NBT] NuBits 0.00000000
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 14.52000000
Nud connectivity issues again?
Liquidity broadcast is stuck at
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo -A 2
"BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
"buy" : 19759.3,
"sell" : 6000.0
It is ok. I don’t see a problem.
Strange. I see it moving now as well, but the last time I looked, the “buy” of my NuBot moved (while the “sell” stayed the same) and yours didn’t.
Maybe I just didn’t look right.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Do you still have
"wallchangeThreshold": 0.1,
in your config?
It looks like your NuBot is more “lazy” with moving orders and reporting adjusted liquidity for some reason. A different setting for "wallchangeThreshold"
could be a reason. I have it at 0.1 and have
"bypassStreaming": false,
This is what I mean:
###My buy side moved from 14470.03 to 14440.26. Yours didn’t move:
Tue Mar 8 07:55:47 UTC 2016
status of mOD dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
"BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
"buy" : 14470.03,
"sell" : 5700.9277
status of zoro dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo -A 2
"BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
"buy" : 19557.04,
"sell" : 6084.7662
Tue Mar 8 08:22:47 UTC 2016
status of mOD dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
"BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
"buy" : 14440.26,
"sell" : 5700.9277
status of zoro dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo -A 2
"BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
"buy" : 19557.04,
"sell" : 6084.7662
###My buy side moved from 14466.53 to 14405.23. Yours didn’t move:
Tue Mar 8 08:37:39 UTC 2016
status of mOD dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
"BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
"buy" : 14466.53,
"sell" : 5700.9277
status of zoro dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo -A 2
"BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
"buy" : 19509.65,
"sell" : 6084.7662
Tue Mar 8 08:58:21 UTC 2016
status of mOD dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
"BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
"buy" : 14405.23,
"sell" : 5700.9277
status of zoro dual side NuBot at Poloniex:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo -A 2
"BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
"buy" : 19509.65,
"sell" : 6084.7662
I am using nubot v0.3.2a
Are you using the new RC2 version?
[BTC] Bitcoin 34.39800505
On orders: 12.99003185
BTC value: 47.38803690
[NBT] NuBits 84.76621963
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 14.76675405
I switched to 0.4.1-RC2 only recently.
@zoro, your NuBot stopped broadcasting liquidity:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo -A 2
"BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
"buy" : 0.0,
"sell" : 0.0
Yes, API connection issues. i am checking it now.
Looks fixed.
The liquidity situation immediately looks better:
I didn’t do anything else than a few restarts. It seems it was a connection issue between me and Polo
Today, the 30 running days of Nubot from grant:
are over.
I believe that FLOT + Nubot had a great performance keeping the peg in Poloniex

According to above grant i will kindly ask from FLOT to sent me 249 NBT as payment in the same grant
address: BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo
Nubot will keep running unless the following motion (for Nubot term 2) will not pass in due time.