Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77796400
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.29866255
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77796400
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.29866255
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77792711
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.18071536
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77797762
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.18353945
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77791819
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.08901558
Now, a nubot restart is performed every day in order to eliminate any bug (if existed)
related to faulty price feed calculations.
Up to now all seem to be just fine with order placing.
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77800213
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.40813748
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77795392
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.32956139
After passing of term3 motion
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.77809522
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 36.90617363
Total Bitcoin 6.93079352
On orders: 6.81966839
BTC value: 6.93079352
NBT NuBits 16612.28006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 37.31118102
offset is returned at 1.4% for both sell and buy walls.
7000 US-NBT have been sent to FLOT
15.86 BTC have been received
Total Bitcoin 22.79079352
On orders: 11.99330811
BTC value: 22.79079352
NBT NuBits 9612.27006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 21.69076026
Total Bitcoin 22.79079352
On orders: 12.07351231
BTC value: 22.79079352
NBT NuBits 9612.27006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 21.73295812
Total Bitcoin 22.79079352
On orders: 11.92609366
BTC value: 22.79079352
NBT NuBits 9612.27006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 21.67922553
Total Bitcoin 22.79079352
On orders: 11.91910394
BTC value: 22.79079352
NBT NuBits 9612.27006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 21.43545836
Total Bitcoin 22.79079352
On orders: 11.84366963
BTC value: 22.79079352
NBT NuBits 9612.27006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 21.35913694
Total Bitcoin 22.79079352
On orders: 11.71903597
BTC value: 22.79079352
NBT NuBits 9612.27006563
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 21.27435672
I have been watching the Poloniex orderbooks today as Bitcoin was very volatile and I have orders on the buy and sell side. That was a good opportunity to see how my Pybots perform in order to tweak them. They are now on a 5 minute auto reset which seems to work well.
However what I noticed over several hours that with the 1.4% spread I’m always on top of the orderbook on the sell side and most of the time also on top of the buy side. There seems to be one bot just above me with about 9.25 BTC. Is that you or NuPool?
Anyway I can’t match any of this with your numbers. Any suggestion on what could be the reason of that?
most of @zoro’s liquidity is T2. I’m still unsure about whether or not my spread motion will mandate a fix for this, but it will certainly suggest one as a proper course of activity (using the parametric order book to fill out instead of just letting funds sit on exchange). The issue is getting it to work with the current coding of parametric.
The thing is, there isn’t really any motion mandating when and how much liquidity @zoro has to bring to the T1 table. You can try mandating the spread, but it’s the size of our orderbook that matters.
Wanna make money off of Nu? Sell nsr when polo nbt buy/sell ratio is low and buy nsr when polo nbt buy/sell ratio is high. If only we had more people doing that, we’d almost have an nsr market.
Well to me reporting ‘on order’ would be T1, but maybe I’m misunderstanding this?
Yes, right, T1 vrs T2. The thing is, there’s no rules at all, none, that talk about T1 and T2 for gateways. And mine probably won’t help much.
Let’s hope zoro can clarify what he is reporting when "on order’ then.
My Poloniex Pybot always have a maximum of 2000 NBT on either side in T1. The rest sits automatically in T2.
There are 3 x 2000 NBT at varying spreads. There are no real rules for maximum spread right now. T1 is literally anything on the order book. This is because we trust people with addresses to obey their contracts, and we select the contracts wisely, hopefully.