[Nubot Gateway] Poloniex @zoro (sell offset:0.25% , buy offset:5% ) - stand by

[BTC] Bitcoin 0.17447977
On orders: 8.76533428
BTC value: 8.93981405

[NBT] NuBits 6287.96428903
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 29.30384571

24 BTC have been received.

[BTC] Bitcoin 20.01782208
On orders: 12.38312404
BTC value: 32.40094612

[NBT] NuBits 6515.20460805
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 29.18846079

Signing requires a broadcasting medium. Which can be Bitmessage or Github if we’re desperate, or a centralized webserver, or everyone having their own server. It’s technically easy but not resource-friendly enough for FLOT. In the long term the infrastructure should ideally be distributed so we may be looking at something like dapps, or natively built into Nu, which may be feasible if we merge some parts of BCE in the future.

[BTC] Bitcoin 19.74010230
On orders: 12.50670792
BTC value: 32.24681022

[NBT] NuBits 6584.13496031
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 29.49872244

I see some movement in sell wall today. Sell spread is at 1% although buy is at 1.4%.
I propose to put sell spread also at 1.4%.
Please advise :slight_smile:

edit: i have set the sell spread at 1.4%.
Current nubot liquidity:
BJs4YbtaqCmxeHLiR6zzjnZEotYVFAPfMo" : {
“buy” : 18534.98,
“sell” : 7325.0627

My Poloniex NuBot still is at 0.02 (1,500 USD; 0.025 for the next order) - the very last line of peg defense at Poloniex…

One too many decimal points. You’re at 2% and 2.5%. Your point stands though.

Yeah right, writing on mobile phone makes copy&paste not as convenient as c&p on a regular computer.
And writing values manually is error prone.
We need more automation! :smiley:
I’ll adjust it…

[BTC] Bitcoin 32.41619780
On orders: 12.93795355
BTC value: 45.35415135

[NBT] NuBits 1110.76104736
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 17.14760026


[BTC] Bitcoin 31.75039132
On orders: 12.76611532
BTC value: 44.51650664

[NBT] NuBits 1462.82015200
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 17.94345551

[BTC] Bitcoin 31.72460669
On orders: 12.79189995
BTC value: 44.51650664

[NBT] NuBits 1462.82015200
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 17.70061534

What do you think about withdrawing, say 14.5 BTC to FLOT and receiving 6,000 NBT in turn?

The liquidity situation seems to allow (or even demand) a balancing:

I’ll initiate a balancing of my account later.


14.5 BTC has been sent o FLOT.

1 Like

6000 US-NBT have been received.

[BTC] Bitcoin 16.92501900
On orders: 12.67980601
BTC value: 29.60482501

[NBT] NuBits 7636.18651433
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 32.65021226

1 Like

[BTC] Bitcoin 16.91717408
On orders: 12.68765093
BTC value: 29.60482501

[NBT] NuBits 7636.18651433
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 32.25149017

[BTC] Bitcoin 16.92501900
On orders: 12.67980601
BTC value: 29.60482501

[NBT] NuBits 7636.18651433
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 32.20894527

[BTC] Bitcoin 17.02616304
On orders: 12.57866197
BTC value: 29.60482501

[NBT] NuBits 7636.18651433
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 32.18140017

[BTC] Bitcoin 16.07153708
On orders: 12.61629687
BTC value: 28.68783395

[NBT] NuBits 8028.17255669
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 33.04251876

Total Bitcoin 28.68783395
On orders: 12.59927203
BTC value: 28.68783395

Total NuBits 14028.17255669
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 32.91430126

Total Bitcoin 27.43023792
On orders: 12.59927203
BTC value: 27.43023792

Total NuBits 14567.17312852
On orders: 6000.00000000
BTC value: 33.93714323