Not likely, I’ve dedicated a full 16 gigs for wallet and it only used about 2gb when it crashed. Tried on both the 32 and 64bit version. The 64bit has access to the full 16gb’s of memory. Does the same thing from a fresh sync or from the provided blockchain. Bare in mind that the wallet has been tested on windows 7, 8, and 10. 64 bit.
I currently run 36 different wallets on the servers and the Nu wallet is the only one that is crashing on all windows versions with fresh sync and also from a downloaded blockchain.
Which version of the NU (32/64 bits) wallet are your running? Just tried tried the 64bit nu wallet and it hasn’t crashed yet at 98% sync. If the 64bit nu wallet fully syncs then it may indicate an issue with the 32bit nu build…
Update: OK, it seems the NU 64bit version has fully synced and working. No crashes so far. So it seems like there’s an issue with the 32bit NU wallet.
I just learned that on Windows, a 32 bits applications needs a special flag at compile time to get 4 GB of memory, otherwise it gets a 2 GB limit. I don’t think we provide such a flag, so the 32 bits Windows version certainly cannot work with our current chain. I won’t build it in future releases.