Nu Marketing Roadmap

Random thought of the moment: Bitcoin has the famous “Pizza bought for 10k BTC” to point back to as a moment of super early adoption. Any thought of leveraging that idea as “First pizza bought for 9.99 NBT (in native NuBits)”? It’s less about the quantity of currency exchanged, but the quantity of transactions. Perhaps we can look back at when there was only 1 pizza bought per month or something.

I know the marketing campaign is focused on a cup of coffee, so this perhaps could confuse the message.

Who knows someone who runs a pizza shop?

Just in case anyone missed it, here is the stage 2 marketing roadmap that Tomjoad recently posted…

I am wondering about how we are currently positioned compared to this roadmap
It seems that “Grassroots Business Development” should have started in April this year but this is subsequent to the success of NuDroid.
So one question is how NuDroid is performing in terms of adoption?
Also, does this roadmap need to be modified? (cc @tomjoad )
I would like to have an input on the current actual roadmap because it was originally laid out 9 months ago and Nu being a startup…we know that the plan would have to be adjusted heavily.

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Motions? are we supposed to have a marketing manager btw?

I think we are on track. Several activities in this stage have already been completed, such as:

Some are being discussed right now, like this one.

Some activities have been pushed back because of budget restraints, like

We haven’t reached any of the stage completion milestones yet. We still have nine months until the projected timeline end (Q1 2016) which is approximately how long our network has been operational so far. It’s possible those stage completion milestones are too ambitious given the current environment, in which case I’m open to re-defining them. In my opinion it would be better to reconsider them later in the year at the end of 2015 once we have a better idea of Nu’s growth. B&C Exchange will have a significant positive impact on the visibility of the Nu network.