Blockheight: 1,220,019
US NuBits (US-NBT)
Existing: 1,141,188.4182
Parked: 7,196.3467
FLOT*: 303,357.4886
Liquidity Operations**: 520,528.7356
Liquidity Operations***: 77,442.6745
Bittrex: 8,094.6230
Poloniex: 61,595.6111
NuLagoon Tube: 27,370.0000
Nu-owned: 998,389.1328
Circulating: 135,602.9387
* BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js
** BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a
*** B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)
Existing: 2,000,000
Parked: 0
Liquidity Operations*: 2,000,000
Circulating: 0
* YhSEw9AGBJ3KtqLrxeQrcsTVk5u57pA88m
Circulating NuBits (*-NBT): 135,602.9387
BTC presented as US-NBT.
Tier 1–2
Bittrex: 4539.3683
NuLagoon Tube: 2692.8600
Tier 3
Not in effect.
Tier 4
Nu jooize (Liquidity Operations)*: 10230.7200
* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea
Tier 5
Refer to parked amounts for current utilisation.
Tier 6
Montly liquidity of NuShares: $80,517
Total Tier 1–4
Equilibrium (buybacks/sales)
Circulation: 135,602.9387
Reserve percentage: (50 - 135,602.9387/80,000) / 100 = 0.4830496327
Equilibrium Tier 1–4 reserve: 0.4830496327 * 135,602.9387 = 65,502.9497320756
Current Tier 1–4 reserve: 4539.3683 + 2692.8600 + 10230.7200 = 17,462.9483
Minimum Tier 1–4 reserve: 0.20 * 65,502.9497320756 = 13,100.5899464151
Move to equilibrium: 0.01 * (65,502.9497320756 - 17,462.9483) = 480.4000143208
Equilibrium is 65,502 US-NBT in Tier 1–4 reserves. We have 17,462 US-NBT. When 48,040 US-NBT is raised through NuShare, US NuBit, or Chinese NuBit sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NuShare buybacks assuming no updated reserve requirements or funds spent.