Blockheight is 1153392
Total US-NBT = 1,136,548.86
Shareholder controlled US-NBT
FSRT singlesig
Balance of BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi is 151500 NBT -
JordanLee singlesig
Balance of B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj is 150000 NBT -
JordanLee singlesig from liquidity ops
Balance of BT9AWq9r1i6kghZc6LtrvNb2wRFh7JLCdP is 34526.124 NBT -
FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 303357.4886 NBT -
Liquidity Operations
Balance of BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a is 122287.506 US-NBT (corrected value is 66303.3857*) -
Liquidity Operations
Balance of addresses listed here is 143465.96 US-NBT -
Liquidity Operations
Poloniex balance is 73844.00 US-NBT -
Liquidity Operations
Bittrex balance is 3018.66 US-NBT -
Balance is 27777.00 US-NBT -
Total parked US-NBT is 9351.5746.
Total US-NBT in circulation is 117420.54. (corrected value is 173404.6603)
Reserves (in US-NBT)
- Poloniex: 10003.95
- NuLagoon: 2225.10
- Bittrex: 1970.84
Total Tier 1 reserves: 14199.89
Total Tier 4 reserves: 0
The primary reserves in tier 5 and 6 are undefined, but monthly liquidity of NSR is currently 291,209 US-NBT
We are required to have 56,986.82 (corrected value is 82,943.68) US-NBT in tier 1 through 4 reserves. This means that as soon as 42,786.93 (corrected value is 68,743.79) US-NBT is raised through NSR, US-NBT or CN-NBT sales on a combined basis, any additional funds raised can go to NSR buyback, less any additional reserve requirements or funds spent going forward.
- (Edit) The balance reported for blockchain address BJLmVRdGFi4q7Zidwzr4CPPsLT6pozR31a was outdated as reported on November 24th. The original erroneous figure and the corrected value now appear. The error could have spotted by anyone conducting a brief check of the figures by checking the balance reported in a publicly available blockchain explorer. Calculating these figures is a task I have been reluctant to take on personally. I had invited and mhps had agreed to provide these figures in recent times, but he actually did not do so. I had individually invited two others I thought would be likely and able to do the task above as well, but final figures were not to be had that way. Consistent with my habit of filling important shareholder needs where there are gaps, I provided what was needed in the most efficient way possible. It was the first calculation using this method, so an oversight is not exactly unexpected.