I won’t be able to respond to them going forward. I would like some additional community members to become forum moderators to help assist in requests like this.
I would prefer some members from this list as they are the most active members:
I would be interested. As you know, I am an administrator on Peercointalk.org along with owner Fuzzybear. I have the usual mod access to things like moving threads, closing them, splitting them, banning users, etc… I also have larger access to things like editing the site news, sending out newsletters to the community, editing board titles and descriptions, creating new boards or removing them, etc… I use my powers mostly for managing the forum, rather than moderating specific users that spam, since both of our communities thankfully don’t have a lot of that going.
I am, but too much has been going on for me to put any effort into it. We would also need Fuzzybear to ok it, which I’m not sure will happen or not. He hasn’t been active on the forum for a while now, but he’s not gone, just more in the background.
Not leaving. Still active and hoping to continue on the website redesign, NuLaws, client development and other Nu projects as time allows. Time simply isn’t allowing much of it . I haven’t been as responsive as I have in the past to these moderation requests, so I think it’s time to add a couple more that can help out.
@Sentinelrv and @cryptog are now on the moderation team. Their applications were preferred because there was no conditionals tied to them. We’ll start from there and see if more are needed. Thanks for helping out!
Absolutely right.
And for that reason I’m glad that active and reliable community members offered their services to assist the moderators.
And I’m glad that @Coingame only faces the truth that sometimes you just don’t find the time to do all you want to do, while he still stays active and commited.