They will run out of funds. Either by losing them in NSR buybacks or by suffering the consequences from providing liquidity without a reasonable spread.
At the beginning there was overwhelming demand.
But then the NSR sale had to be limited to prevent crashing the rate completely.
I could make a guess that a load of NSR ended up in the hands of a certain person, who is very interested in not crashing the NSR rate now that he’s a major shareholder with absolute voting majority.
I would not see NSR as a share of a corporation, but a gamble in that case.
The share distribution is so very bad that it would just be an ultra risky gamble and not an investment.
I tried to turn it into an investment by pushing accounting and revenue, but I failed. NSR will never be more than a gamble considering the distribution.
New currencies can lead to new demand, which will then bring BTC assets into Nu’s treasure chest.
Once the chest is full enough, an NSR buyback will be conducted. This was already announced.
The likely effect on this illiquid market is a rising NSR price - although this time I expect a lot more holders to cash out than the last buyback cycle; I suppose the rise will be not that big. I hope that some people can cut their losses in the next NSR pump.
New currencies will do no good, but cloak and accelerate the race to the bottom.
The NSR buybacks could be activated by an actor buying a bunch of NBT.
But that would raise more eye brows than new currencies being sold.
That’s why JordanLeePhoenix likes the new currencies so much.
Did you follow closely how Nu’s peg failed?
New currencies don’t increase the risk of a new peg failure in a way I could name. But they provide a disguise for the people who abused crashing the peg to benefit from it and do it another time.
That’s why I’m such an opponent of the current system. It’s made to cheat people. As long as NSR buybacks aren’t ceased nobody can convince me of the opposite.
But how could you believe in them staying ceased? It’s all a matter of a new motion to turn them on again.
Instead of developing new currencies, Nu needs to
- focus on NBT/USD trading,
- keep assets that are stable related to USD
- at a very high reserve ratio
- and focus on revenue rather than marketing tricks
if it wants to survive.
Funny side note: with NBT/USD trading this scam couldn’t have been made anonymously! 
When exactly was decided (and by whom!) that BTC/NBT will be used instead of NBT/USD?
What were the reasons for that?
I can’t find anything about that major change; the white paper is dealing with USD trading.
Do you, @sigmike, really want to provide Nu with a disguise to continue this scam, this ponzi scheme, this pump&dump?
I mean, for you it’s mainly business. But do you really have no second thoughts supporting this at the moment?
But even if revenue would be announced tomorrow, I’d never believe in Nu as investment. I’d interpret it as another way to pump it.
Revenue is necessary but not sufficient. Only a hard fork freeing the network from JordanLeePhoenix friendly NSR could convince me that Nu has a chance as business.
Nu needs to get rid of this poison.
I think JordanLeePhoenix is voting wise in full control of the network.
I can’t prove that, but I don’t have to draw the obvious conclusion.
That’s why even “officially” ceasing NSR buybacks wouldn’t be reason to start hoping for Nu.
That’s why I’d only buy NSR at single digit Satoshis.