Help us test Nubits v2.1.0

Can someone upload a mainnet bootstrap file please?

I am starting RC8 on a 64bit Ubuntu on the testnet with the bootstrap file. debug.log shows that nud is downloading 2014-08-xxx . With a 400MB bootstrap file shouldn’t nud start with some time in 2015? @sigmike

I will produce a 2.1 bootstrap file this week. Maybe tomorrow, but for sure this week. As well as setting up a torrent and direct download.


I am trying RC8 in win7 64 and it looks good. 430MB RAM but stuck at “5 weeks behind”

if you hover over the progress circle do you see the block number increasing? It’s already known that 2.1 syncs up to twice as slow as 2.0.3

I am stuck at block 568006. I have 4 active connections in a Gb network. I will restart NU and see…

On 32bit win7 with a full wallet

blockchain has been sync’ed in the last 30min (so network speed is not a big factor):

nu2.0.3 takes 4.5min to show window 7.5min to sync, 710MB memory (if the bchain is one day old, it would take 20min and 30min, respectively)

nu2.1RC8 takes 2.2min, 2.5min to sync, 270MB

nu2.1 is blazing fast and much less memory hunger.

In coincontrol staked nsr blocks are missing in RC8. they should show in grey-on-red. @sigmike

Did restarting help? Release of 2.1 is imminent so if there’s any issues left to point out it would be great to hear them now.

No. I am still stuck at 568006 after a day!
Should i test it without “testnet” option?

ah… that sounds more like it’s a testnet issue. You might be connected to another node that’s on a fork, or the network has stopped minting. I was worried you were on mainnet. I haven’t used testnet for some time so I can’t say for sure what is causing it. I’m trying to create a bootstrap for mainnet so maybe you want to wait for me to post that before trying on mainnet.

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I am already downloading blockchain in mainnet. Very very slow indeed!
It would be awesome if there was an option to load the bootstrap from inside wallet :wink:

I started from a fresh data file and got past the splash screen (thanks). Been downloading the blockchain for the last 70 hours. Extrapolating the rate indicates it should be done after ~ 100 hours, ie. 30 hours from now. RAM usage is 12% of 4 Gb although the nu client is demanding 50% of the CPU during synch.

I’m trying to build the mainnet bootstrap right now. Will try to share it ASAP.


That’s a direct download link to the bootstrap. Just drop it into your Nu data directory and start up 2.1. You should see it say “importing blocks from disk” on the status bar.

I’ve never tried this before but if someone wants to try download through bittorrent below is a link to download a torrent file. If someone could try that out it would be really helpful as well.

I’d like to know that these are working for someone else besides me before we release.

Both links are working. Direct download is faster, for now.

Yeah we need to get some volunteers with bandwidth to help torrent the bootstrap.

In “options” --> main tab it says
"Start Bitcoin on system login"

edit: it is much faster. i am 32 weeks behind already but i don’t like the 700 MB ram!

The memory usage should become lower once it’s finished syncing.

Is liquidity info being reported correctly for everyone on the NuShares vote tab? It should be showing unknown, 1, 2, 3, and total right now.

Joining, will try to keep bittorrent open for a while especially during v2.1 release.

Never mind it appears correctly when fully synced. Not sure why I never noticed that before.