Grant to provide 50,000 liquidity to for 60 days

I’ve worked with desrever, woolly sammoth and sigmike with PM both yesterday and today to resolve the issues I possess. They have been very helpful and there has been measurable progress, but there are still outstanding issues. We will get them resolved. Between now and their resolution, thank you for patience.


Moved this thread to Custodial Grant Passed Board.


Any status update?
Nu needs your liquidity.

Regardless of @muchogusto’s readiness, Excoin is not avaialble due to their on-going battle with DD4BC.

Once we are open-source, we will need a liquidity provider for Bittrex, a major US alt-coin exchange. Perhaps if is still under attack, @Muchogusto would be open to supporting Bittrex instead?


For @Excoin’s sake, I really hope that this isn’t the case. I know that their team is working overtime to shut down all avenues of the on-going DDoS extortion attempt.


I have just started working with pennybreaker and woolly_sammoth to try
to get NuBot communicating with Nu software again. Hopefully the
difficulty will be resolved soon.


Please check the announcement on our site.

Our site has been compromised by a sophisticated botnet. We are currently investigating the source. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All of our findings:

kudos to for standing up to the criminals.

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The issue with your configuration saved probably your money.
You should now edit the title of your proposal and change the exchange name used.

I still want to provide 50,000 liquidity, even with the bad news at bter and excoin. My pay will be very much earned :wink: The primary step is getting NuBot running. Progress is being made as I discuss with the NuBot team. Then, a new decision will need to be made about which exchange or exchanges to support. Where is liquidity needed?

Tks for your support.
Looking at, poloniex or look appropriate.

Hi @muchogusto. Any update for us? Liquidity at Poloniex or would be useful at this point, and upcoming exchanges like Bittrex as well when the source code is revealed.

A few days ago @pennybreaker say he would make a Ubuntu image preconfigured that I could use.

I would be pleased to be first liquidity pool user of @KTm or @jmiller. If we can negotiate a split of my 10,000 pay and it looks like shareholders take the change in contract I can start today. We could split funds between Poloneix and with most going to Poloniex because they contain more trading. I would advance motion asking shareholder to approve these contract changes. If motion fails, I quit pool.

Any shareholders opposed to such changes? Changes are use pool, not solo and use Poloniex and, not

I contact @KTm and @jmiller to negotiate possibilities now.

Sorry, he replied about that 4 days and I did not see until now.

Does it force even when “multiple-custodians”:false? This could prevent doing my contract:

I am fine with the above but the pool has not been created yet.


With Excoin gone, any liquidity I do would need to be another contract with shareholders. My plan is to continue working on getting NuBot running first, then experiment running it for a time, providing a small amount of liquidity for free, to be sure I can do it but also to see how different spreads change trading. After doing some penance by offering free liquidity, I may propose a new contract to shareholders if all works as planned.

I offer apologies for not completing my contract. I hadn’t expected the technical problems I have had running NuBot.

I think that’s completely reasonable. Your proposal was for Excoin liquidity, so now that the terms are unable to be fulfilled, you can exit the contract gracefully.

Fortunately, this was a motion and not a custodial grant, so it is easy to transition to new terms.

Thank you for the update!