Future of Crypto collider

Hello Nubit Community. I am happy to be part of this amazing and active community.
I would like to keep you up to date with ongoing work that we the Crypto collider team are working on.
One of the first Work that we are doing is to get market research done, as you have maybe seen our other post, We have been gathering info, and opinions from certain individuals, that help us have a better idea what future this unique game can have.
One of these futures would be the first Crypto currencie game to create a Team vs team championship. We want to make it the first game to make crypto currencies about e sports as well. And treat it as such. If Any member is interested in forming a team, or wish to be part of one, Pm me. From there we will discuss how we will prepare this team and organise it.
Another aspect that We will want to implement is a arena that is dedicated for team vs team, for player vs player. Thus these 2 sectors would not be mixed.
The last thing that we are looking into is the point ratio structure. We are looking at how it can be more rewarding and fun to play the game. Our goal is to be sure that you are having fun, and also fully understand the game and its tools at your disposal. Of course if you have any suggestions on the tools you would want us to add, please tell us, so we can try to create them.
A lot more can be said but I will keep it short not to write a book. We will try to keep The Doge forum up to date bi weekly to let you know the progress, or future it will have.
We are also looking for anyone who believes they can offer their help, with either administration, marketing, development, customer support, or any other experience they believe they think Crypto collider can embrace. Any help is appreaciated. We the crypto collider are doing this work by our free will, and work together to make this game better. We do our work on our free time, because we believe that it is not just a game. it is A part of the crypto currency world. but also Our reason in the end is to make You the crypto currrency community the admins and masters of crypto colider too. We exist for you to create something of it like You make something of The coins you support. We do hope you can be more of a bigger part of our team/ community/ active user base.
With all that said, I wish you all a wonderful 2017, and a lot of growth and progress for Nubits Have your self a great day.
Dominic Marion, Crypto collider team member.