January 12, 2016, 8:01am
Address matches gateway . 10k NBT, 0.01 NBT fee.
Verified and signed by masterOfDisaster + jooize .
Verified and signed
Broadcast: 9bf4668242e3d588bcdaac8cd0ea8b35c4f1c3c686a4055851bb65084837e6ef
Funds received on Poloniex sell side gateway account.
Restarting NuBot to have orders placed (no sufficient price move of BTCUSD to have that done automatically by NuBot).
NuBot up, 3,000 NBT order placed:
SELL balance left = 7000.0 NBT----- [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:227]
12:58:29.166 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO - Trying to place 1 orders... [com.nubits.nubot.strategy.Secondary.StrategySecondaryPegUtils:228]
12:58:29.974 [Strategy Secondary Task] INFO - SELL wall order updated. ID : 1125482453 size: 3000.0 []
12:58:30.011 [Strategy Secondary Task] WARN - **SELL** orders re-initialized on **poloniex** : 1/1 placed successfully
total amount placed : 3000.0
Tier1 order size : 3000.0
Tier2 cumulative order size : 0.0 (0 orders)
Broadcast liquidity will be updated soon. ALix already got the improved sell side liquidity.
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This is a transaction to test the functionality of NuLagoon Tube and the registered pair for the FLOT Multisig addresses.
I am posting this without this having much discussion. If the other FLOT members are agreeable to this test, please sign.
It would be ideal to test this in reverse as well.
Good idea to test this as NuLagoon Tube needs to be balanced from time to time.
signed .
I won’t sign unless these are answered:
One possibility is using NuLagoon tube but I have a hard time negotiating to waive the exchange fees for FLOT. FLOT can also use a similar mechanism, that is to build scripts that trigger rubber-stamp signing on very specific circumstances. For example, when money is sent from a known NuLagoon address under low liquidity conditions.
In the long term, if NuLagoon tube has enough volume it will need rebalancing to maximize profit. Moreover, without FLOT, I imagine that you could only sustain the balance between pools C and D by purchasing from the open market, which is costly. Further more, when balancing is needed and NBT is sold to NuLagoon, this NBT would likely change hands quickly and give you revenue. Given this, in theory it is possible for Nu to sell NBT like this at a slight profit, especially when there are multip…
FLOT would have to trade first, which is an extension of credit, though admittedly it isn't any worse than other tier 3 alternatives. FLOT will also require a refund of fees and spread. Then there's the issue that one can currently only trade up to about 3000 NBT, which isn't a good use of the signing overhead; I prefer something like 7000 NBT minimum, or basically 5% of total liquidity, at least for FLOT. If special treatment can be made for the above considerations that would be nice.
Yes, nobody did.
I hope @henry could waive FLOT fees and community members could respond to @coingame ’s request for feedback on NuLagoon tube. I am not very sure why FLOT’s address pair wasn’t registered already manually.
January 13, 2016, 4:44am
Is it not?
Hmm, am I misunderstanding something?
Right, I misunderstood some things, my apologies.
I still hope NuLagoon Tube and other FLOT members can offer a word for the refund of fees and spreads.
January 13, 2016, 4:58am
So now I understand how NuLagoon Tube works!
The exchange spread is set at 0.4%. The transaction fee rate is 0.2%.
Could you briefly explain why NuLagoon would want to skip those for FLOT? Do you mean entirely?
When NuLagoon Tube becomes stable we’ll be providing liquidity as a service. It’s supposed to be mutually beneficial; I don’t see why we are supposed to pay the general consumer price.
It’s probably not too wrong to pay NuLagoon that 0.6% as we’re already paying a lot for the liquidity itself, but it’s a matter of principle to avoid any further costs. I also do not want Nu to keep getting the short end of the stick.
January 13, 2016, 5:26am
Got it, thanks! That makes sense.
Unless there is any urgency in trying this out, I’ll be awaiting a response from NuLagoon (@henry ).
Sorry for interrupting the NuLagoon Tube (NLT!) discussion with this.
The flash crash of BTCUSD seems to have increased the demand for NBT - I’d have expected the opposite:
The Poloniex sell side gateway has no NBT left: nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2 “BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv” : { “buy” : 10200.49, “sell” : 0.0 } I’m going to ping FLOT to initiate another deposit, because according to ALix the ask (for BTC) side is significantly lower than the bid side. @assistant liquidity
…at least if my tired eyes don’t misinterpret the outputs of ALix and the broadcast liquidity information.
Can a FLOT member (or anybody else) please create a Cointoolkit tx to the Poloniex NBT entry gateway deposit address?
Doing that on my mobile phone is less than inconvenient.
Pinging @Dhume , @ttutdxh , @jooize , @woodstockmerkle
Looking at ALix the liquidity on Poloniex went down to approximately 6,000 NBT (current; 4h average is slightly higher).
I have nothing but my gut feeling to say maybe 5,000 NBT?
Here’s 10k NBT. Signed 1 of 3-of-5
Please verify the destination address as being the gateway.
January 13, 2016, 6:10am
I had 10k NBT in mind as well.
Verified and signed by woodstockmerkle + jooize .
One other thing to check:
is it me not being able to think straight or is the “bid” and “ask” of ALix and the broadcast liquidity information the opposite way?
ALix: bid (BTC), ask (for BTC)
broadcast liquidity information: bid (NBT), ask (for NBT)
verified and signed .
I had trouble broadcasting it, though.
Clicking on “broadcast” seemed to do nothing.
Trying it manually again produced “Transaction broadcasting is currently not available for NuBits”.
What now? Broadcasting it with Nu wallet?
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January 13, 2016, 6:31am
Broadcast through
sendrawtransaction 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
NuExplorer sees it.
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Impressive - half an hour for forming consensus and executing a transaction.
What about renaming FLOT to:
I will restart NuBot in case the BTCUSD price doesn’t move enough to make NuBot shift the walls (and use the deposited funds) and the liquidity on Poloniex runs low.
And regarding NuLagoon Tube:
a test run with 100 NBT seems to be fine for me. Before ramping up use of NLT, waiving (or lowering) fees etc. needs to be discussed.
How about