FLOT NSR Operations (buy side)

Three days ago it appeared there was consensus to hold an additional auction this week. However, there are no blockchain transactions moving shareholder NSR for this. I was expecting a thread about it like last week. NSR FLOT, was is the status of this week’s auction that is mandated by NuLaw?


can @Dhume and @ttutdxh explain why you are not signing it?


We just need one additional signer.
What about @masterOfDisaster ?

The transaction request got lost for me in the noise of these threads.
Please keep it clean, this thread is destined for FLOT NSR operations, not parallel discussion.

Verified and signed 3 of 3/5


Thank you @mhps for the PM, you were the only one to notify me.


My apologies I’ve been very busy and will probably continue to be for at least 9/10 more days. I’ll try to check as often as I can for signing but won’t be able to keep up with the latest developments or comment on them.


Broadcast through Nu.app.

sendrawtransaction 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

NuShares arrived with one confirmation so far.


Gee I didn’t notice @ttutdxh didn’t broadcast. Thanks @jooize.
(will look into nu.app, btw)

Attempt #2 to move the 100 Million NSR

Thank you to @sigmike who diagnosed the error of trying to output 999 Million NSR from a 100 Million transaction. I’m surprised that the transaction wasn’t outright rejected by the client.

I think this one is in better shape.



Paging @jooize @masterOfDisaster @dysconnect @ttutdxh Please verify and sign.

If this works, then I think we should take actions to establish a new multisig address with whomever remains in FLOT, and tranche the outputs


Meaning the old output was off by a zero?

signed, verify


Signed 3 of 3-of-5


Txid: c1c7a6d49b9ab9276d85a5979169ef5ed65bfcfc34e26a41223b83ae11d0869a

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Confirmed – 99.9+ Million NSR moved successfully.

I’d like to get the opinion of other FLOT members about creating a new multisig, especially as it pertains to who would make up the new FLOT for NSR operations.

NSR auctions are proceeding as would be necessary with Tier-N distributions so a duty is for sure to fund that. Also potentially pending would be the establishment of the Chief of Liquidity Operations which, if passed, would be a destination of FLOT funds as well.

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I think it is important to establish a new FLOT to diversify our ways to store reserves.
And the Chief of Liquidity Operations can be also a multisig group.
So I would be fine with being a member of this multisig group if shareholders entrust me with such powers.

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I’m surprised too. I tried on a 2.1 client and it was correctly rejected. The log said there was not enough fee (it saw the error as a negative fee).

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7,000,000 NSR to @jooize for sale on Poloniex

Amount: 7,000,000 NSR
Address: SWqGtyZvQoDVP8wV2HPMFcA5vK5pVBA3yh
Fee: 50 NSR (probably excessive, but irrelevant)

Check that the other group hasn’t already completed the transaction.

Multisig #1

Signed 0 of 3-of-5


@Dhume @ttutdxh @cryptog @mhps @masterOfDisaster

Multisig #2

Signed 0 of 3-of-5


Signed 2 of 3-of-5


@dysconnect @masterOfDisaster @ttutdxh

Signed 1 of 3-of-5



why not use the first NSR address? It still has fund in it.

Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. I’ll create another one.

You don’t have to. It can be used the next time.

Seeing as the availability and completeness of the groups is uncertain, I did anyway.

I chose not to sign the Multisig #1 #2 transaction myself, but will now. @dysconnect has quit (but may sign anyway), and @masterOfDisaster was last seen ~5 days ago.

This is multisig #1, the other one is #2.

anyway i haved signed the real #1
1 of 3/5. verify

@Dhume @ttutdxh might need to be PM’ed. Done.

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