Dumpprivkey/importprivkey Nbt/Nsr one for two wallet trick

I fond something interesting while dumping my nbt key to imported to my new NBT wallet I didn’t notice at first my new Wallet was in NSR mode when i imported the NBT key from the Console and was accepted as a Nsr key making a new address for NSR I can now use 1 NBT key for both NBT and NSR as 1 paper wallet for two wallets also works in reverse Nsr dumpprivkey and importprivkey to nbt

Known issue :frowning: always use -unit=B when doing something in console which involves NBT. You do not really have that NSR. I think I got rid of it by sending the NBT to myself. Otherwise just make new wallet.dat’s

i don’t get coin i get a new address added in my NSR walletS,data from the NBT key import in the console

Switched to NuBits wallet
dumpprivkey BNn11F1Gk8whHEoxcgdFEWdfgsffdrGXpH


Switched to NuShares wallet

importprivkey VGL4JESHH4TaFsy5dLjEQgCG5cu6SHpJVwerwSwDDww68aA

new address added to my nsr walletS.data ( SfdEVQ55vYtXtRuyZVrKweffwwwegL))

I hope that wasn’t real data :wink:

Try this:

dumpprivkey -unit=B BNn11F1Gk8whHEoxcgdFEWdfgsffdrGXpH
(if this wallet is in strict NBT mode it should dump the same string as in your example)

then in new wallet:

importprivkey -unit=B VGL4JESHH4TaFsy5dLjEQgCG5cu6SHpJVwerwSwDDww68aA
(or the other string printed above respectively)

no its not real data

you not getting what im saying

you can use the NBT private key to import it in NSR Console and as use it as a NSR private key
dumpprivkey BNn11F1Gk8whHEoxcgdFEWdfgsffdrGXpH

VGL4JESHH4TaFsy5dLjEQgCG5cu6SHpJVwerwSwDDww68aA <—private key and use it as import for to create a new nsr address when Switched to NuShares wallet importprivkey VGL4JESHH4TaFsy5dLjEQgCG5cu6SHpJVwerwSwDDww68aA
new address added to my nsr walletS.data ( SfdEVQ55vYtXtRuyZVrKweffwwwegL

I get what you are saying. The reason for this is that you can interpret the NBT private key as NSR private key. NBT’s send to the original NBT address will even show up as NSR. It can be considered as bug, but it just displays confusing data, you won’t really have these NSR.

See e.g. Importprivkey does not check base58 prefix

ahh I see this was posted before well thanks good thing to know not to use the key for both then