I want to propose providing a small dual-side liquidity. Being very new in this community I understand that trust is a concern, and therefore the reward will obviously be paid after the successful completion of the task. I would also be willing to provide @JordanLee with a proof of my funds or personal information if it is required.
Technical setup
The technical installation will be a Raspberry Pi that will run 24/7 with a stable internet connection. Only nud and the NuBot are running on thew device. I successfully tested a NuBot on excoin, so I expect to be able to start my operation very quickly. I have a strong technical background and feel confident to be able to operate (and troubleshoot) the NuBot in an adequate way.
Proposal RIPEMD160 hash: cae8efc29890da34ec00f0cd7c6d89a42b424e12
=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash starts with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=
Custodial Address: BPuTsT9FiDLSDihCHxzaieVXoksXqoffHk
Amount Requested: 1 NBT
If elected, I will deposit 5,000 NBT on a selected exchange and operate the NuBot in dual side mode over a period of 30 days. The reward should be paid in NBT and depends on the market, which will be selected after the election of this proposal. I request 10% (500 NBT) for BTC markets and 15% (750 NBT) for any altcoin market. If the market will be a BTC market, then I will deposit an equivalent of 5,000 NBT in the form of BTC on the chosen exchange and start the operation on the BUY side of the NBT market. If the market will be an altcoin market, then I will deposit 2,500 NBT and an equivalent of 2,500 NBT in the form of the altcoin on the chosen exchange and start the operation on the BUY and SELL side of the NBT market. At the end of the 30 day term I will provide a report of all trading activity.
=##=##=##=##=##=## Custodian Hash ends with this line ##=##=##=##=##=##=
Verify. Use everything between and including the <custodianhash></custodianhash> tags.
Custodial Grant Passed
The grant passed on Feb 26th at block 241230. Thank you! There were some unexpected problem with submitting liquidity information from the Raspberry Pi, but these problems are solved now and all subsequent tests were successful.
Operation Schedule
The operation will officially start on March 2nd 0:01 UTC and end on June 1st 0:01 UTC. Down-times will of course be appended to the end time, but I am confident that it will be very stable.
Liquidity will be provided on and I start the operation with an equivalent of 5,000 NBT as BTC on the buy side of the order book, since Nu’s buy side liquidity is smaller than its sell side liquidity. But I am open for discussions about this and can also transform some of the BTC funds into NBT.