Proposal: Small dual-side liquidity for currently uncovered pair

OK, I hacked the correct link into the OP.

hash verified. cae8efc29890da34ec00f0cd7c6d89a42b424e12

Thanks. I may have to add it as a step for the OP in the steps for creating a new motion/proposal as I don’t know how Assistant can create the link without knowing which topic it is going to be pasted into.
it’s a pain though as I really wanted the process to be as easy as possible without lots of hoops to jump through.
I’ll have a think.

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Just one question before voting. Why do you divide up into 2500nbt on the buy side and 2500nbt on the sell side if the pair is NBT/alt?

I explained it in the same post:

right sorry for reasking.


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@assistant custodian vote BPuTsT9FiDLSDihCHxzaieVXoksXqoffHk

Hi @cryptog

Here are the details for the Custodian Vote on BPuTsT9FiDLSDihCHxzaieVXoksXqoffHk:

###1.00 NBT.
Blocks: 8 (0.080000%)
Share Days: 1726829 (0.056574%)


I want to propose providing a small dual-side liquidity. Being very new in this community I understand that trust is a concern, and therefore the reward will obviously be paid after the successful completion of the task. I would also be willing to provide @JordanLee with a proof of my funds or personal information if it is required.

Technical setup

The technical installation will be a Raspberry Pi that wil

Read More

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Thank you. One last thing: I saw you verified the hash of the proposal text above. If you do that in custodial grants you also need to add the hash to your post, because its not observable on the blockchain and I could change text and hash at any time.

right. hash added after reverification.

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Verified and voted

[quote=“crypto_coiner, post:32, topic:1268”]Verified and votes[/quote]Who are you voting for?


1.00 NBT.

[quote=“crypto_coiner, post:34, topic:1268”]BPuTsT9FiDLSDihCHxzaieVXoksXqoffHk

1.00 NBT.[/quote]Ask me a question.

That A.I. scares me a bit :smile:

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What is the nubit address for that proposal?

[quote=“crypto_coiner, post:37, topic:1268”]What is the nubit address for that proposal?[/quote]Only the individual knows the reason to love someone else. Be that for personality or looks.

Voted. Unless other users offer proposals for a lower fee, we should be voting for all LPC proposals.

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PPC / NBT would be good. The one on CCEDK is not working well. Maybe this will relief @KTm of some stress.