Dear shareholders and community members,
Like to have your attention for a draft proposal for a custodial grant for further exciting developments for the NuBits Android wallet (see Link with info and Download link). The proposal is still ‘draft’ as I would appreciate a discussion and feedback from this community about the proposal before voting takes place. I suggest to leave it open for comments for the next few days and up to week depending on the feedback. After that I will consolidate all the comments into a final proposal and republish that soon thereafter allowing voting to occur.
The complete proposal have been posted as a Gist on my Github account. This was done so that the community can be made aware if any changes made to the document (through the version control system), and so that it can easily reviewed by Shareholders. If amendments to this draft proposal are required, I will clearly call them out within this topic and republish the final proposal for voting.
The draft proposal can be found here:
Overview of grant:
Custodian: Cybnate
Proposal: Development of NuBits Android wallet
Submission Date: 14-Feb-2015
Requested Grant Amount: 28,600 NBT
Custodial Fee: 500 NBT
NuBits Grant Address: To be published with final proposal
Vote Amount: 29,100 NBT
Summary of grant:
The Development has been split up in 3 releases:
Release 1 Pincode Lock will take up to 3 weeks (1,300 NBT)
Release 2 Shapeshift API will take up to 12 weeks (14,000 NBT)
Release 3 Server Config will take up to 8 weeks (7,200 NBT)
Total 22,500 NBT*
I will deduct the donated 260 NBT (Link) from the grant and will also deduct the promised 1000 NBT donation to release 2 by Shapeshift. Total 1,260 NBT
The Marketing is for the advertising on CMC including a moving banner or multiple banner during 3 months and a Reddit giveaway soon after release 2 has successfully been delivered (NBT 6,100).
I’ve deliberately chosen to combine a bunch of work to be able to contract the same developer (Matthew M.) and secure ongoing development for the next 5 months as per the proposal instead of going piecemeal with the risk loosing the developer or slowing down the rate of further Developments.
I think it is clear that release 2 is the cornerstone of this proposal which will provide some pretty unique functionality. Given the complexity it comes at a considerable cost. Release two covers seamless payments with foreign coins while holding Nubits stable in value. It won’t cover receiving foreign coins at this stage given the expected significant additional development time and cost I haven’t included this. For the same reason I took out the ability to receive an email receipt during payment.
When the release 2 functionality is in our hands I propose to make a good marketing effort to advertise the existence of the mobile wallet and the unique functionality. Advertising on with an attractive banner supported by a mobile webpage and a Reddit give-away is therefore part of this proposal.
Love to hear your feedback about the costs, the marketing effort, my fee and the order of the releases or anything else you think can be done better or different. Check out the link to the gist above for all the details of this proposal.
– Cybnate –