Motion RIPEMD160 hash: tbc
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Automatic Liquidity Pool (ALP) operators have a minimum level of payment required to continue server performance. At the same time, operator fees have the potential to stimulate competition between operators. To achieve a competitive atmosphere, 90 days after the passage of this motion a new round of ALP operations will begin with standardized time schedules. Potential pegged pairs will be split up into 2 groups:
Home Pair
An operator may only have one home pair. The operator is expected to continue operation on that pair without competition. The liquidity targets on the home pair may not be less than 2,000 NBT total. Shareholders are expected to favor fiat pegs and low liquidity markets for home pairs. Reward rates on home pairs may not be more than 0.25%/day for fiat pairs and 0.4%/day for cryptocurrency pairs. A home pair operation should ask for no more than 1500 NBT total for a 90 day term, of which 150 NBT will be the fixed operator fee. Shareholders and operators should try very hard to come to consensus on this pool’s provision. The network should strive for continuous liquidity provision on home pairs.
If an operator finds a need to adjust the parameters of a home pool mid-term, they may submit a motion or grant to alter whatever is needed, prorating whatever days are left in the term. The total for the term should still be less than the home term maximum of 1500 NBT.
Competitive Pair
Any pair that is not being voted on as a home pair can be selected by an operator as an additional pool to support. These pairs are to be understood as competitive, so proposed liquidity provision should occur as a motion rather than a grant. If another pool operator wishes to participate they can propose a counter offer for liquidity provision while voting is occurring. Terms are assumed to be 90 days long and all parameters are fully variable. Shareholders should feel no pressure to pass any competitive pair motion.
If an operator finds a need to adjust the parameters of a competitive pool mid-term, they may propose a motion or grant and prorate the rest of the term as needed. Shareholders are to understand that this is highly discouraged, particularly if there were any competing grants or motions that this operation was chosen over. Shareholders should feel no obligation at all to pass such a mid-term change.
Periodic Motion and Grant passage
Every 90 days starting from 23:59 GMT on the day this motion passes, the ALP operator competition will come to a close and any unpassed motions become invalid. Any outstanding grants must be passed as quickly as possible so that pools can begin operation. Any competing motions that pass in the same block are defaulted to the operator who posted the motion in the forum first. Operators should do their best to condense multiple grants into as few a votes as possible, ideally containing all competitive and home grants in a single custodial address. Operator rewards are provided the following term in the home pair grant, though exceptions can be made for new operators.
Motions and grants should be proposed within 60 days of the competition closing and are invalid if passed outside that window.
Unused NBT
Excess NBT is rolled over into the next term. NBT in excess of a new term’s operation will be burned. An operator ceasing operation on all pairs should also burn remaining NBT for a graceful exit.
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