This motion is presented for discussion, after which a finalized version of the motion will be presented for shareholder voting.
Hybrid buy-side/dividend custodians are excellent positions to have in our system, and @KTm has performed admirably. However, I would like to propose modifying the dividend payout schedule in such a way that the threat of speculative attack and peg instability is lessened in the short-term, as we wait for further details on NBT-for-NSR currency burning and other alternative design changes (as @Benjamin and @Sabreiib have recently begun discussing).
This motion would be an initial step towards encouraging NuShareholders to find alternative sources of revenue that are permanently sustainable, such as variable transaction fees.
I welcome comments from everyone, and especially @KTm, other custodians, and @JordanLee.
To vote for this motion, enter the following motion hash in your Nu client:
Begin motion
KTm should adjust the dividend payout schedule of her first proposal so that 95% of all funds remain permanently in buy-side support, and 5% of funds are distributed as dividends. This means that $1,710,000 US will permanently remain in buy-side support for the duration of the Nu network and $90,000 US will be paid out in dividends over the life of the original $1,800,000 US grant. Note that $50,000 US has already been paid in dividends for her first proposal, leaving $40,000 US remaining under this motion.
These proposal 1 buy-side funds will remain in effect in the event of a second grant being provided. For example, if KTm requested a $3,000,000 grant for a proposal 2, there would be $1,710,000 US in existing buy-side support from proposal 1, with $2,850,000 in future buy-side support and $150,000 in future dividends from proposal 2. Care should be taken that only the most solvent and reputable exchanges are entrusted with these USD funds.
If KTm ceases operations, the buy-side funds in her possession should be transferred to a new dual-side custodian at the will of shareholders.
End motion*