Hey guys! Sorry, got online late today. I’ll probably be on off-and-on for the next 6-8 hours or so. Anyhow, yes, I would absolutely be interested in working on this on a contract basis! Ideally I’d like to do hourly contracting rather than a project bid, as I believe that aligns incentives better to actually get things done: for instance, when there’s a great idea and requirements change after the fact, as always, instead of having a crazy out-of-scope modifications rate like some large contractors which will go unnamed do, being hourly from the start means we try to get requirements right at the start, then I start working on the core things I know I’ll need, and if we want to do tweaks as we go (like add or remove support for a different payment processor) that should be relatively simple.
It’s also lower risk on both sides in my opinion: I don’t invest all the work up-front to make the software (and get tempted to cut corners to be able to pay the bills by getting to the milestone sooner) and the customer doesn’t risk paying for a “completed” project that doesn’t actually work for them when the actual requirements are different from the initial requirements.
I do think the overall estimate is actually pretty good for getting to a working version. I would expect that working at 20-25 NBT an hour, polishing up the requirements and specifications might be around 100-200 NBT, API / payment processor research will probably be about 200 NBT ultimately, writing and doing some basic testing on an internal wrapper library for these payment processors (research if there’s an existing FOSS library which works first, but I’ve often found making my own simple wrappers can be worthwhile; however, getting them to properly handle errors and such edge cases takes more time) around 200 NBT (just spitballing here), and maybe 200 NBT for the configuration and business logic of trades, oh, and maybe 200 NBT for the nu integration, and we’ll put documentation as 200 NBT. So even with reasonably generous estimates, a decent working version (we’ll just throw another 200 NBT for final integration and testing and ass coverage) should be done by around 1400 NBT. So my very rough estimate matches the initial budget estimate here.
I would perhaps suggest a slight change in description / concept of considering me the “development manager” of the project and directly putting the responsibility for the project on me. I understand the desire for verification, but I would think of it as: since this is intended to be an open source release, then part of what I’m agreeing to for acceptance criteria is sort of a “reasonable hacker” standard of: a reasonably competent sysadmin should be able to install, configure, and operate this system easily, that sort of thing.
I can see the logic of an administrator role which distributes funds as I report hours and which does a basic sanity check that I produce what I’m supposed to by the end. And actually, it would be nice to have a second paid person on the project for a tester role. So I can see putting that in there. I just have an aversion to being able to potentially not get paid, or not get paid until the code is perfect. I’m not worried about whether I can produce acceptable working code but the structure of “here are my initial thoughts; build my idea and report back for the money” has always terrified me because of the experience of requirement change and differing interpretations.
Anyhow, I’m still completely new to how things are done around here, just putting out my thoughts on ideal structure. I’d be willing to compromise on a fixed price contract as long as it’s not the open bounty (because of the possible risk of being beat to the punch, and I cannot afford to gamble that much with my income right now), but it would definitely be a hardship for me and would frankly result in a lower quality product without necessarily saving anything. It would however still beat the hell out of going back to killing time flipping burgers, so there’s that. 
I do think this is a very interesting project idea. Operating such a site publicly in the United States would constitute a money selling business to the best of my understanding of the law (but I am not a lawyer), but creating the code and releasing it without warranty should be safe I believe. And so long as some people somewhere start using it, then it’s useful.
Also, I just realized I hadn’t been thinking about the advantage of this being NuBits; I’d thought about it so far as a generic cryptocurrency selling/buying site. But the advantage of the NuBits thing is we could make the assumption the exchange rate is always 1:1. xD Personally, I’m enough of a Y2K kid that I think I’d just make the 1 as a constant variable so it could still be modified in a single place if something crazy happened (or for later support of, say, buying NBT with EUR and so forth (with additional modification, but at least already using a constant variable rather than hard-coding the logic of “1 currency unit equals one cryptocurrency unit” everywhere, as amusing as that could be.)).