[Discontinued] Cybnate's Nu datafeed - BETA

Updated the datafeed:

Added Motion:
Bonus for multi-sig liquidity pool

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Updated the datafeed:

Added 2 custodial grants

BHQJN5NnDimvTC9Md6a3Lc8sNkHGiizTMo, 1803.26
Fee Nu-Lagoon June 2015

BNUPooLfaBVhQz5CmFF1XFqkQ6dfoiFwvp, 1550.0
Nu-Pool term 3

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Updated the datafeed:

Bit behind and catching up…

Deleted 2 custodial grants (both passed)

BHQJN5NnDimvTC9Md6a3Lc8sNkHGiizTMo, 1803.26
Fee Nu-Lagoon June 2015

BNUPooLfaBVhQz5CmFF1XFqkQ6dfoiFwvp, 1550.0
Nu-Pool term 3

Added 2 custodial grants:
Both to continue the NuPond liquidity pool. First code is to be able to run two instances of pool software.

Deleted 1 motion (passed)
Bonus for multi-sig liquidity pool

Added 1 motion:
Motion to regulate spread values for liquidity operations
I think it is useful to set a standard for future grants re spreads even I don’t necessarily agree on the standard.
Grant requests can still overrule the standard as long as they clearly mention their spread (-/- exchange fees)

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Updated the datafeed:

Deleted motion:
0ec0be7f113a0bf6ff603545a974cd6410458e00 (Passed)
Regulating spread values

Custodial grants:
BAt6MK2WEy2xzZbERe858kyDPahB1vLcVY,1 (Passed)
BPLdB3cUa6RupfbDL1Xuh7QDAmbtoXyFNh,781 (Passed)
Continuing NuPond operations + split instances of NuPond (therefore 2 grants)

Will continue to vote for no interest rate as sell side is more than 2/3 of the buy side.

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Updated the datafeed:

Added motion:
Mentioning all exchange resources on Nu marketing sites and add disclaimer

Added custodial grant:
Grant to continue LiquidBits liquidity pool on CCEDK fiat pairs and Bitcoin.co.id NBT/BTC pair

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Updated the datafeed:

LiquidBits term 2

Added custodial grant:
NuLagoon monthly fee

Continuing to vote for zero park rates as sell and buy site appear to be balanced again (now BTC comes back down)


Updated the datafeed:

BAGVF94ny947g9npbXyFngjD9WEMtCTL2z,2767.8 (passed)
NuLagoon monthly fee

Continuing to vote for:
Mentioning all exchange resources on Nu marketing sites and add disclaimer

Updated the datafeed:

Removing motion:
6516593789424c8b4c871e178ff648f0e5f0485a (passed)

Updated the datafeed:

Custodial grant added:
NuPond new term

Added park rates:
22,8d 1.5%
1.5m 2.5%
3m 2.5%
6.1m 3.5%
Sell has been larger than Buy (>10k) for a couple of days in a row. Time to get some NBT off the market. Just modest rates for now.

Updated the datafeed:

Custodial grant added:
BNUpooLoWft9JKeYm5vy1GVLFzVhfS8GeR, 1125

Deleted all park rates
Buy has been larger than sell for a few days in a row.
As mentioned in another thread the buy/sell seems to be very sensitive to the BTC rate which is highly volatile lately. New policy for park rates will be that Sell has to be larger than Buy for more than 25% (currently more than 10k) for more than 5 days in a row before I will consider to add park rates to my datafeed.

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Any idea why

$ nud setdatafeed https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cybnate/NuNet-datafeed/master/Cybnate-datafeed.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cybnate/NuNet-datafeed/master/Cybnate-datafeed.txt ShTrp9wbgnhZudk4eYXtBtcMyeBziGzUpc -daemon

results in

error: {"code":-1,"message":"Invalid parts"}


I copy-pasted from OP

I think you need to use “”. Also try without anything after the first url.

edit: The “-daemon” is only for when starting the server. If the server already started, it shouldn’t be there. I suggest remove the “-daemon” in the OP as it does two unrelated things in one line and could be misunderstood.

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removing -daemon worked. thanks!

Thanks. Updated OP.

Updated the datafeed:

Custodial grant deleted:
BRyTGZz1pjgjRZDiVmuogZ7awPkdaXCVNd,614 (Passed)
NuPond term 3

Updated the datafeed:

Custodial Grant deleted:
BNUpooLoWft9JKeYm5vy1GVLFzVhfS8GeR,1125 (Passed)
NuPool term 4

Custiodial grant added:
LiquidBits term 3

Updated the datafeed:

Custodial grant added:
Additional server for NuDroid backend

Custodial grant deleted:
BLaCCX2ZmGe68MwrrrRCkpNvJLjsvBk4ik,596 (Passed)
LiquidBits term 3

Updated the datafeed:

Added Custodial grant:
NuLagoon monthly payout (Aug-15)

Apologies for being a bit late with updating. Life got in the way temporarily :wink:

Updated the datafeed:

Custodial grant(s) deleted:
BKWr7JR6Bwnk2VzNbgPxUtxDFynVdzHJej,4315.19 (passed)
Monthly payment NuLagoon Aug2015

BSTGvERBWS6vYhUKgTuUn8s9z3nsmYpS3x,300 (passed)
Alternative server for NuDroid to improve resiliency

No remaining motions or grants in this feed. Voting for zero park rates.

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Updated the datafeed:

Adding custodial grant:

Adding motion:
NuPool term 4 (1250 NBT from remaining funds)
NOT voting for additional NSR grant

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