Current Liquidity

Verified and signed:


Iā€™ve broadcasted the transaction


Poloniex BTC/NBT 22198.1998 2481.640

Polo need 20k on the buy side to rebalanceā€¦
I am ready to sign another BTC tx to @masterOfDisaster nbt exit gateway

@masterOfDisaster: Are the previous 20 BTC traded? says ā€œ1M3khPfXJreaFVbHab5XFEngwhbRh5Nxyi - (Unspent) 20 BTCā€, but I donā€™t know how Poloniex handles incoming coins.

ā€œ24hr Volume: 25.98863495 BTC / 11794.11834904 NBTā€ ā€” Poloniex shows no market cap or available supply for US NuBits by the way.

Iā€™m still not confident enough in where the money goes to sign off on another one right away, but hereā€™s an unsigned transaction for 20k NBT in BTC = 44.333 BTC with fee 0.003 BTC.


I understand why @masterOfDisaster might be uncomfortable with this amount handled by his gateway. As he said, the gateway was setup for emergencies, and we seem to have a lot of emergencies. He could shut the gateway down, and then what do we do?

Poloniex BTC/NBT

Ask: 15211.0918
Bid: 1607.2661
Total: 16818.3579

ā€” ALix Walls

@cryptog, @Dhume, @dysconnect, @masterOfDisaster, @mhps, @ttutdxh, @woodstockmerkle

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you stuck with me :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry for the late response.
The 20 BTC arrived, but havenā€™t been put on order until recently.

I havenā€™t investgated the logs, but the likely reason is, that there was not enough shift in BTCUSD to trigger a move of the walls (which would have placed orders).

I restarted NuBot.
2,000 USD are on T1 and will be replenished as long as funds are left.

I recommend we wait a little bit before sending more funds to the gateway (and 20,000 USD value seem to be too much).

Iā€™ve adjusted the config of NuBot to have it put up to 3,000 USD value on the books.
While all 20 BTC (approx. 9,000 USD value) are still left on the gateway account to support the buy side, the current buy side situation might require another deposit (maybe again 20 BTC) to the gateway:

Even if you add the 6,000 USD value that are on the gateway account, but currently not on order to the numbers, buy side is overall still 20,000 USD smaller and Poloniex buy side (where the gateway is operated) is a bit over 10,000 USD smaller.

Although there are still all 20 BTC untraded on the gateway account (the 2 USD something are from my startup tests)

22:30:41.786 [sendLiquidity] WARN  - Liquidity info submitted:
        tier=1 buy=2999.9999997 sell=0.0 identifier=1:NBTBTC:poloniex:0.3.2a_1452361772757_dcfced response={"submitted":true}
        tier=2 buy=6020.03 sell=2.03426955 identifier=2:NBTBTC:poloniex:0.3.2a_1452361772757_dcfced response={"submitted":true} [c.n.n.t.SubmitLiquidityinfoTask:144]

Iā€™ve tried to create a transaction using Cointoolkit to transfer another 20 BTC to the gateway. Iā€™ve hit a problem where I canā€™t generate a tx after deleting txid c4805d186de41b0c75b6922eab0a9dbe670fbbc9d2f4e15fa2320c2abed84d0c (0.27123761 BTC):

from the unspent outputs. This is a tx I used for the buyback tx (and it was only included, because I couldnā€™t delete it there either without having problems generating the tx).
The error message is ā€œOne or more input or output is invalidā€:

@ttutdxh do you have an idea what I do wrong?


Hi FLOT. My T3 recerves are low in BTC. Lets make a deal.
I have 5000 NBT to sent.
thanks :slight_smile:
I hope this time we conclude the deal for the first time!

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Until a protocol is voted on and given proper consultation Iā€™ll try to offer a near-zero spread. That said thereā€™s a non-trivial difference (~ 0.8%) between Polo and Bitfinex which makes me worry a bit. For now Iā€™ll assume 445 NBT per BTC, which is within 0.05 NBT higher than the average of the highest bid and lowest ask at the moment. If you agree to this deal please send 5000 NBT to FLOT address BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js ; FLOT must refund the 5000 when the trade cannot be carried out.

It is a bug, will fix when the spare time is available. As a workaround you can keep the input and send it as change, or craft the inputs manually.

Edit: fixed now, @masterOfDisaster please test.

@zoro, can you please provide us with a BTC address to send the 11.2359 BTC to?
That would allow preparing a transaction to speed up the process.
I hope you are aware that making deals with FLOT is not as fast as making deals with single persons like JordanLee or the FSRT singlesig address owner.
So there will be some time between you deposit the NBT and receive the BTC.

You can use
and start creating a transaction from there using your deposit address and the FLOT BTC multisig address (3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG), if you feel confident to do so.

Thank you for looking into it!
I guess I canā€™t use the same input twice, so crafting two tx with the same unspent output is not possible. The first tx needs to be broadcast and verified, before ā€œthe first UTXOā€ can be used again, right?

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Ok, 5000 are sent
tr id:
My T3 BTC address
I can wait even days :wink:

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5000 NBT confirmed. What a list of inputs.

Here is the unsigned transaction (verify):


Iā€™ll sign it shortly.

Yeah, sorry about that. I will be more organized in the future, i hope :smile:
But it is strange that nu wallet reports every single address transaction as input!
that is why i payed so high fee and not 0.01 as it is the standard.

Iā€™ve signed the transaction and moved it into the FLOT Operations - BTC thread.

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Were you using coin control? Sometimes you can accidentally force the wallet to use more inputs than it needs. You clearly could have made a more streamlined txn using those inputs with a smaller change output. Weird if it did that automatically.

Yes, i used coin control but i had to select 4-5 addresses to sum up the amount.
But i think that it could have also be done automatically. From now on i will use only a single address dedicated to
my T3 operations :wink:

The issue was that you clicked on the whole tree of inputs for each address. Next time select (or deselect) the inputs individually to make a small txn. Or just donā€™t use coin control, but thatā€™s no fun.

Whereā€™s Poloniexā€™ ask side?

Something wrong with NuPool, @woolly_sammoth, @willy?

@assistant liquidity

Hi @dysconnect

The current total liquidity in the Nu network is:

Bid: 71178.8089 NBT (41.87%)
Ask: 98813.5808 NBT (58.13%)

It is broken down in the following manner:

Tier 1:
    Bid: 33395.9622 NBT
    Ask: 48673.3378 NBT

Tier 2:
    Bid: 10192.26 NBT
    Ask: 18048.243 NBT

Tier 3:
    Bid: 27589.0867 NBT
    Ask: 32092.0 NBT