Current Liquidity

you’re on nupool, yes?
Can you try to restart the bot for me please?

i 've restarted it many times. this behavior can be observed in all the pools. it is very random.

I see your order now. On the pool and on the order book.

I have seen it happening several times – the buy side disappears for a few minutes then a wall of 4k - 6k nbt appears.

Anyway, is Tier4 to be “the liquidity provider of the last resort” in situation like this? Tier 4 will be a special liquidity provider at pools such that it won’t give liquidity unless one side is very low, and when it gives, it does it almost automatically – the only manual part is transferring fund. Then, isn’t Tier4 becoming Tier 3?

I agree we need to think more about making a stronger T3. For now, this setup isn’t terrible.
We need distributions soon. We need this because we’re already pumping through large volumes to the nsr order book (we are dominating the nsr markets now a days) and selling off more nbt is just going to make T4 bigger, triggering more and more buybacks. Buybacks are great, but spread out over a long period of time. When we get a rapid influx of money and are confident it is natural (not an attacker) a distribution is a good idea to help eliminate counterparty risk without losing a whole lot trying to push even more nsr through the order books than we already are.

As far as the bot placing orders, I don’t think the current version of the restart works and the bots just get stuck in bad loops. I’m hoping to push another update this weekend.

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We need to get some NuBits for sale on Poloniex (the sell wall has less than 10 NBT on it). Who provides liquidity there and would be willing to purchase NBT with BTC for slightly less than $1 (whatever the normal buy side price is)? We can talk about it here in private messages or you can send me a Bitmessage at BM-2cXS5ezep1jUqeu8CwC6M4aTmMSxcFEHNN. I am not able to bring NBT directly to Poloniex.

Edit: Wow! That was quick. A couple minutes after posting this I noticed about 6400 NBT has been added to the Poloniex sell wall. Much more NBT is still needed there, though.

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That order is coming and going. I suspect that the tolerance / deviation / spread carousel stops spinning there.
@zoro’s SAF seems to be on edge.

i am trying my best :stuck_out_tongue:
i guess nu lagoon has no more NBT for sell wall.

@assistant liquidity

Hi @huafei

The current total liquidity in the Nu network is:

Bid: 82542.4331 NBT
Ask: 100148.688 NBT

It is broken down in the following manner:

Tier 1:
    Bid: 54108.1503 NBT
    Ask: 48622.8925 NBT

Tier 2:
    Bid: 9022.57 NBT
    Ask: 3257.511 NBT

Tier 3:
    Bid: 28355.356 NBT
    Ask: 24940.0 NBT

once again, total Bid and Ask are reverse :slight_smile:

Funds used for development and tier 4 sell side total 60037 NBT. To ensure obligations to pay contractors can be met, I am reserving 30000 NBT for them. This means tier 4 sell side liquidity is relatively low at 30037 NBT. While the First Liquidity Operations Team that is currently forming is expected to receive 100,000 NBT for tier 4 sell side use (this may need to be increased based on high NBT demand in recent days), there is a good chance the 30037 NBT will not last until FLOP receives their first grant.

Therefore, FSRT (First Strategic Reserve Team) needs to stand by, ready to bring some of its 4,040,000 NBT to market at any time. FSRT has been dormant for a long time, but it is time for them to dust off their wallets, communicate amongst themselves to ensure each signer stands ready, and communicate that publicly to the community.


@assistant liquidity

Edit: Apologies for the confusion. I had switched the bid/ask values in the output. That should be fixed now


Hi @woolly_sammoth

The current total liquidity in the Nu network is:

Bid: 99420.9749 NBT
Ask: 88031.1052 NBT

It is broken down in the following manner:

Tier 1:
    Bid: 54496.4606 NBT
    Ask: 52165.2669 NBT

Tier 2:
    Bid: 8147.17 NBT
    Ask: 3755.373 NBT

Tier 3:
    Bid: 28355.356 NBT
    Ask: 24940.0 NBT

Is this smaller gap due to @JordanLee’s balancing efforts?

FSRT custodian address BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC still have the full 4.040.000 NBT on reserve, so I think that the most effective @JordanLee’s balancing effort this time is his public call for liquidity

He announced that he was going to inject some NBT into the market, but never mentioned whether he actually did that or what amount did he manage to place…

@assistant liquidity

Hi @dysconnect

The current total liquidity in the Nu network is:

Bid: 95864.4595 NBT
Ask: 87424.7511 NBT

It is broken down in the following manner:

Tier 1:
    Bid: 53255.4006 NBT
    Ask: 51607.8734 NBT

Tier 2:
    Bid: 6575.99 NBT
    Ask: 5042.2454 NBT

Tier 3:
    Bid: 28389.3406 NBT
    Ask: 24940.0 NBT

@assistant liquidity