Current Liquidity

We just fixed a problem on running NuBot. The liquidity should be correctly broadcasted now. Thank you for the reminder.

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I tried ALP + NuLagoon Tube balancing for some time. Balancing via NuLagoon usually eats away 2-3 days of ALP income on the amount balanced, and is still not convenient enough.

The ALP software a bit flaky and I added some try: except: shutdown(True) to make it somewhat stable. The errors are mostly due to mismatch between Poloniex API and how the scripts handle errors; there’s an apparent bug that the script hangs after a “need to update BTC price” error.

Overall I think the next pool to get a custodian grant and renew pool terms should consider increasing the tolerance on BTC/NBT pairs and experiment a mild reduction of rewards.

So make a T3 custodial grant and balance off yourself (ultimately T4) for 0.1% loss + network fees.

I have my own concerns in taking your approach, and I have always been more inclined to market-making where high spread ALP can be a starting point, so it’s more rewarding to experiment in that direction. Also time has been very scarce lately that I can’t invest too much in adapting to new logistics.

Id love to hear your concerns when you have time.

NuBits (NBT)$ 1.02 (0.82 %)
These figures do not look too good…

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Nbt/cny reports $1.03 because of how cmc reprts cny. You can’t always trust cmc. Our walls are fine.

Please somebody run a peershare based cmc DAC “controlled” by Nu so that it does look good, marketing wise

ALIX should tell you everything you need to know. We cant force people off of cmc, we just have to let people come to their own conclusions about the algorithns used.

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It’s not only CNY, the peg at the BTC pair at Poloniex is impaired as well.
The sell side support by the NuBots at Poloniex is degraded. Customers bought into orders, that were not in the first line of the parametric order book.
For days there’s been only a few thousand USD value on the sell side in the NuBot accounts.

Current status of the NuBot accounts at Poloniex:

Mon Feb  1 05:24:39 UTC 2016
status of (former) sell side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2
        "BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv" : {
            "buy" : 14797.29,
            "sell" : 2642.1802
status of (former) buy side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
        "BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
            "buy" : 13939.7,
            "sell" : 300.8696

Ouch !

The good news is that the support by ALP clients on Poloniex increased over the last 12 hours.
Yet I think it’s more comfortable to have another line of defense for the peg there.
NBT have been sent by FLOT to the NuBot accounts.
SoonTM they will be available.

after I realized that the transaction to deposit funds to the NuBot accounts hasn’t been broadcast, I did that and now the funds are available:

Mon Feb  1 08:08:33 UTC 2016
status of (former) sell side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2
        "BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv" : {
            "buy" : 14870.66,
            "sell" : 9642.1802
status of (former) buy side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
        "BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
            "buy" : 13993.4,
            "sell" : 5300.8696

2nd line of peg (by NuBots) support back in the green again.

it was good not to withdraw BTC from the buy side; as it seems there was some decline of NBT demand that couldn’t be buffered sufficiently by the ALP participants:

Mon Feb  1 14:00:26 UTC 2016
status of (former) sell side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2
        "BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv" : {
            "buy" : 8506.81,
            "sell" : 16075.8356
status of (former) buy side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
        "BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
            "buy" : 11736.16,
            "sell" : 7652.7734

Result for the peg on Poloniex: in good shape; status according to CMC


@assistant liquidity

nud getliquidityinfo B | head -n 18
    "total" : {
        "buy" : 88034.7269,
        "sell" : 105462.6746
    "tier" : {
        "1" : {
            "buy" : 45786.0181,
            "sell" : 41531.6259
        "2" : {
            "buy" : 20015.8,
            "sell" : 22166.0987
        "3" : {
            "buy" : 22231.4088,
            "sell" : 41764.95
1 Like

MoD is assistant? :smiley:


@masterOfDisaster liquidity

let’s see :smile:

nud getliquidityinfo B | head -n 18
    "total" : {
        "buy" : 83660.4996,
        "sell" : 99317.724
    "tier" : {
        "1" : {
            "buy" : 40646.8208,
            "sell" : 36143.015
        "2" : {
            "buy" : 20780.77,
            "sell" : 21409.759
        "3" : {
            "buy" : 22231.4088,
            "sell" : 41764.95
Tue Feb  2 09:08:31 UTC 2016
status of (former) sell side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2
        "BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv" : {
            "buy" : 8447.66,
            "sell" : 16075.8356
status of (former) buy side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
        "BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
            "buy" : 11661.39,
            "sell" : 7652.7734

Normally the real assistant beats me to it in terms of speed.
But I’m slightly more reliable :smiley:
@assistant liquidity


And there goes the ALP sell side at Poloniex:

But no worries - the NuBots still have NBT left:

Sat Feb  6 04:38:52 UTC 2016
status of (former) sell side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2
        "BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv" : {
            "buy" : 5196.18,
            "sell" : 6435.2065
status of (former) buy side gateway:
nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2
        "BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP" : {
            "buy" : 8665.69,
            "sell" : 3631.5769

The orders of the NuBots are a little bit more expensive than the ALP orders, but that’s by design:


Building new logistics is already an important one, but another large part of it is risk aversion. For instance, it can be done either with or without collateral; too small an amount might not worth my time to handle, a large amount requires collateral. With collateral, I do not like the lost opportunity cost except with possibly BKS, which might not need to be liquidated in a few months.

The collateral also has to be smaller than 100% because of cold / hot wallet risk - handling liquid NBT or BTC is risker than keeping illiquid funds in cold storage. Even without collateral, losing funds will cost me the trust and reputation that earned me the uncollateralized custodianship to begin with, which we can assume is usually larger than the amount of the custodial grant. All in all, to me there is a gap between the potential risks and incentives, and I have not yet found an appropriate compensation level to adjust for that. There’s also the fact that I’m not properly anonymous, so the risks are higher.

With only 31% of liquidity being on the buy side according to Coinerella, I am activating as a backup liquidity provider. I will use NuLagoon Tube to exchange exactly 32 BTC for approxiately 12,000 NBT.