Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

I watched some interesting talk by John Perkins:

edit: also available on oldfashioned joeptoep

Warning: this links to the Ensure you run this within a VM sandbox. Besides there appears to be no seeds available.


Really no seeds! :sunglasses:

This is 185.4 MB, 3 videos, I downloaded it within 30 minutes. But whatever, be afraid of TPB man they are evil, geez. I regret posting the link to the in my opinion interesting content.

Just warning noobs, the amount of advertisements popping up can be intimidating en ‘wrong’ links can be easily clicked on.

Well, the link is useless as I can’t download the content due to lack of peers. Bittorrent is open for over 30 mins now.

I’m seeing one peer from NL

Bedankt :slight_smile:

it is also available on the normal webs