Bter - post hack custodial report

Hi everyone,

These figures are spread out across two accounts for the purpose of running multiple bots and they only reflect the holdings at Bter. See the burn thread for a recent breakdown of funds not currently allocated to Bter.

Bter totals:
BTC: 12.45907
BTC Pending BTC_B: 178.663
NBT: 93300.9069
NSR: 667298.7267
Bter Points BTR: 41512482.4
Bter Securities BTQ: 11766.19 (converted from Bter points)
CNY: 15154.48 (converted from Bter points)

As soon as I have time, I will test to see if the NuBot api wrapper still works with Bter. I assume that it is the wish of shareholders for liquidity support to resume at Bter?


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I am a bit confused… Didn’t the shareholders pass a motion to stop your and ktm’s operations?

Can someone enlighten me please?

Operations are being wrapped up, but are still on-going for 90 days after the passage of the motion.


@desrever I have confirmed that there are issues running NuBot on Bter after their recent changes:

SEVERE: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Mar 21, 2015 4:02:58 PM com.nubits.nubot.launch.NuBot execute
INFO: NuBot will be start running in 2 seconds, to sync with remote NTP and place walls during next wall shift window.
Mar 21, 2015 4:03:01 PM query
SEVERE: The bot will not execute the query, there is no connection to bter
Mar 21, 2015 4:03:01 PM com.nubits.nubot.tasks.strategy.PriceMonitorTriggerTask initStrategy
SEVERE: Cannot get txFee : No Connection
Mar 21, 2015 4:03:01 PM com.nubits.nubot.launch.NuBot$1 run
INFO: Bot shutting down…

I’d say they changed their SSL certificate. NuBot has a store of all the certificates for supporting exchanges. If the BTER certificate has changed, it’s likely that it hasn;t been added to that store.
There are instructions on the Nubot README for adding a certificate to the keystore. That should get you up and running until the certificate can be added to the distributed keystore.
I’ll get the keystore updated this evening.