BTER issues

Can’t get BTER to confirm some nbt deposits…anyone else having problems?
I contacted the help desk but its been 12 hrs. :disappointed:

Same here. Tried to shift NBT to the NBT/CNY pool. Deposit is not even shown as pending. Haven’t contacted the support, though. I was hoping for it to get resolved automatically…
…now I know that I should contact the helpdesk :wink:

my NBT deposit at bter has been credited

Praise the Lord mine too.
They took a long time to get back to me…

Deposits and withdrawals normally run more smoothly at other exchanges, like e.g. poloniex or bittrex.
I’ve experienced some problems with bter on the other hand. All of them (except for the crack this February) could be resolved, though (albeit not always at top speed…).
Still using bter is quite ok.
…bter might have hard times once BCE is completed :wink:

the issues in bter have no end!
i have send 12+ hours ago some btc and i see the transaction as complete in my history
but my account has zero BTC!
waiting the response from the ticket i opened.

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