Deposits and withdrawals of BKS (BlockShares) are now enabled on SouthXchange. Come trade BKS here. B&C Exchange still owns several hundred million NuShares (exact amounts are documented on this forum). NuShares are up about 1000% in the last year. BKS has not yet seen a similar rise. If NuShares become liquid and the price stays the same or rises, there will be enough funding to develop B&C Exchange into a workable product, it appears. I still want to work on B&C. Despite the delay, it continues to offer a unique approach that warrants exploration. Another way to fund B&C Exchange development would be to make BKS liquid and sell it for funding.
Where can I get more informations about BlockShares and B&C Exchange.
Thanks in advance.
BlockShares are currently trading for $1.60 on SouthXchange. This implies a market cap of $363,000. I still believe B&C Exchange has a chance to make a significant contribution to the decentralized exchange sector. One way is to make BKS liquid and raise funds for development by selling them.
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