I would like to inform the shareholders that 10324 NuBits have been parked since yesterday.
I’m able to see this because I’m using a test client that shows the total number of currently parked NuBits. In the next release everyone will have access to this information.
Based on the amount of NuBits parked I’ve reduced the long term parking to 0 to reduce high inflation pressure later on, even though that might result in higher dividends in the short term.
I only kept voting for the short term (<1 month) lower interest rates (<2%) to maintain liquidity of NBT and with aim to have a higher ability to balance demand and supply in this early stage of the network.
I see you guys are voting to lower the interest rates. Is there way we can put the amount of parked NuBits into a clearer perspective? How long are a majority of these NBT being parked for? What level of demand for NBT would you call it so far? Low, healthy, extremely high, exceeding expectations?