0 active connections to B&C Exchange network [Currently]

Machine: windows7 laptop
A first time in my minting history –


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Which is the IP address of whom?

That’s my Coinerella utility server for non critical hosting.
It’s running a couple of daemons… Bitcoind, Nud, Bcexd, Peercoind…

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I’m guessing it worked, since you liked 100% of my post in this thread?!


My wallet seems to have caught back its nodes some 30mins later.
But for the sake of redundancy, I would like to add your node to a .conf file (I guess) that I ve just realized had not set up for BCex.
How does one have to call the.CONF file for BCExchange?



Try to delete address file" addr.dat "and restart.

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Recently also, the wallet ram overflowed and it crashed –
machine: win 7

42active connections to B&C Exchange network

This looks like a bug. Can you please give some figures? How much of physical ram + cache you have in your laptop?