Hi everyone
The great thing about being a NuShareholder is that all of us are now in control of the Nu network. If you hold NuShares, it’s in your best economic interests to vote thoughtfully and help the network grow with whatever skills you can offer. It’s the responsible thing to do.
One aspect of this that I’d like to briefly talk about is marketing. You will often hear the term “marketing” being thrown around crypto communities as a blanket statement of what is required to grow a business. Most communities have unfortunately not demonstrated much competence in that discipline.
It’s important to recognize there are different aspects to marketing. For the purposes of this post, I’d like to split the concepts up into Branding and Business Development.
From what I’ve seen, Business Development is usually the only real focus of crypto communities. At its best it can be strategic outreach to influential companies, but those efforts often degrade into carpet-bombing random businesses without a coherent message. Focusing on Business Development first is a strategic error in my opinion.
The Nu dev team is taking a more deliberate approach to marketing. Our approach is one that is focused on building the basic Branding elements first. These elements comprise images, logos, slogans, and tools such as NuExplorer and NuBippy (both available on www.nubits.com). We want them to be tools that every shareholder can use in their own marketing efforts.
In contrast to some of our competitors, our branding messaging is very simple and clear:
- NuBits are worth $1.00 US. They are the world’s first stable digital currency.
- NuShares represent ownership in the Nu network and can be speculated on.
As well, our branding elements like the website and logos are all clean, professional, and simple.
The main point I’d like to make is that effective Business Development doesn’t begin until the Branding building blocks are established. We are getting much closer to that point. Soon, when some of the major discussions around protocol adjustments are finalized, we will begin to embark on more Business Development activities using the Branding tools that have been created. As a side note, I hope the devs reach a point where collaborating with a vendor on a mobile wallet is a top priority.
Anyways, I just wanted to give everyone reading this a sneak peek at a marketing video that is being created. In the near future it will be another Branding tool that will be at our disposal as NuShareholders.
Here are a couple concepts images from that video. I’d provide context to what each image is describing….but as our release strategy showed, keeping things a surprise often makes things more fun.