I am @dysconnect. I was not seen in this community until this April, but I have observed Nubits since the very first announcements. I hold a sizable amount of NuShares, which may have been considered significant at the time of my purchase. I hope, through my activities on the forum, shareholders are convinced I share a long term vision that can also be seen in the most enthusiastic believers.
In this motion, I ask shareholders to entrust me with the duty to maintain tier 4 and tier 6 liquidity as a part of the First Liquidity Operations Group.
I ask for a fee in exchange of my commitment to the practice. The base monthly fee will be 145 NBT. This is a very modest fee, which pays for 20 hours of labor per month under USA federal minimum wage. I pledge to exert a considerable amount of effort to fulfill my role, that it would be clear my service would be worth the compensation.
Motion RIPEMD160 hash: cb23c76e21e6ef7a568161e817869168f5273c4f
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@dysconnect shall be one of the members of the First Liquidity Operations Team (FLOT).@dysconnect will coordinate with other members of FLOT, and members of FSRT if necessary, to defend the peg.@dysconnect promises to be a part of FLOT for at least one year and to abide by all shareholder motions governing the use of funds.@dysconnect will be able to respond to any request for signing within 36 hours of its proposal; shareholders must be promptly informed of exceptions.
Compensation for @dysconnect will occur in 90-day cycles, for a total of 4 cycles. By the end of each cycle, a total of amount of 435 NBT shall be paid to @dysconnect, conditional on satisfactory performance, which shall be measured in terms of his presence, effort and contribution. @dysconnect reserves the right to withdraw from his service if he does not receive the full amount of compensation by the end of any cycle.
The service of @dysconnect and the compensation cycles will commence from the passage of this motion.
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