Trust-less liquidity pool

In the config file, the first two parameters would be a nbt address and ‘nbt’, right ?

nbt address then ‘btc’ (without ') … you are always providing NBT liquidity so this specifies the other currency

EDIT: does it work?

I updated the original post a bit (was about time). Let me know if you have some additions to the FAQ section or other questions.

Ideally I would like to have the original idea post now as second post of this thread. Is this possible? Mods?

Giving it a try now on ccedk with 22.62620758 nbt only on the sell side.
Is it enough to get a reward?

Yes, it should trigger a payout per day. Unfortunately the server shows a very bad connection status at the moment which is why your efficiency is so extremely poor. The server is located in California NA, so maybe there are just too many Americans watching netflix right now, I don’t know.

I hope that the server performance will improve over the next hours.

I see. What is efficiency?

Your client sends 20 requests per minute and the server tries to validate them. If those requests don’t show up in time (as it is the case right now) it is not able to validate the liquidity and therefore gives no credit (this is similar to PoW mining when the shares won’t reach the server).

The server is not on more load than on recent days so I really assume (hope) it is a temporary problem on the hoster’s side.

Tks for the info.

OK the problem really appeared to be a scaling issue (sorry for blaming the American netflix watcher :kissing_heart:) . I replaced a component of the HTTP server module that allows more API calls and suddenly all server responses go through as intended (its even more responsive as before).

All users have an efficiency of around 100% now!

Unfortunately I had to restart the server in order so all balances are reset to 0. I’ll grep the credits lost from the log files tomorrow when I got some sleep and will send them manually.

Of course I hope this will be the last interruption, but on the other hand I am doing this to figure those things out, so thank you for your patience.

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restarted the bot. 100% accepted now…

wondering now about the difference between nubot and creonbot…
of course it s much simpler to set up creonbot but in terms of buy/sell strategies, how does it differ?

creon you should consider seriously becoming a part of nubot dev team :smile:

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xxx:29 WARNING: too many rejected requests on exchange poloniex, adjusting nonce to 51
xxx:29 ERROR: exception caught: ‘Poloniex’ object has no attribute ‘acquire_lock’

the line before it was like

xx INFO: poloniex - balance: 0.00002100 efficiency: 0.00% rejects: 20 missing: 0 units: {u’btc’: {u’ask’: [], u’last_error’: u’unable to validate request: Nonce must be greater than 1426514510000. You provided 1426501871000.’, u’bid’: [], u’rejects’: 20, u’missing’: 0}} - xxxxxxxx-xx…

sorry. it is 100% rejected not accepted :frowning:

getting for example 2015/03/16-15:17:10 INFO: ccedk - balance: 0.00506870 efficiency: 100.00% rejects: 0 missing: 0 units: {u’btc’: {u’ask’: [], u’last_error’: u’’, u’bid’: [[3228945, 22.7322302]], u’rejects’: 0, u’missing’: 0}} - ANTYAP7CYZM311H3SHGL1G6LBV3KL9K1138T1UOI65JQ3N73CAJB611L13MNSPGA

Everything fine there.

That error is new. @creon?
Nonce adjusts are needed and performed regularly, no need to worry if the bot manages to find a nonce in the end.
If not, especially on bitcoincoid, a new API key could be needed.

right :smile:

Thanks I fixed that. If you’re using the github repository you only need to update.

The NuBot software is a much more sophisticated trading bot and it proofed to be functional in many operations. It contains many features to configure a particular LPC operation. The internal python bot is much much simpler and just checks a balance and places orders so in this point the NuBot is clearly superior.

The reason why I implemented it is that it allows the client to better monitor the current status of the exchanges and to adjust the communication with those exchanges and to keep the price better synchronized with the server. The NuBot dev plans to implement an interface that makes it able to achieve the same things with the NuBot.

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13 connected keys (increased from 9), 128 NBT buy side liquidity and 185 NBT sell side liquidity with 100% efficiency for all users:

Everything is running extremely smoothly since last night’s fix. There is still much room for new users! See the first post for details how to participate.


now i get 85% - 95% efficiency :slight_smile:

Your nonce shift is still not optimal, lets hope the client drops below 80% again so it increases the shift another time. Then you should have 100%.

You can also make the client more sensitive to that by setting the threshold on the right hand side of the inequation in line 166 to 0.1 or even 0.05. I’ll think about something to automatically get rid of those rare rejects.

will join the party soon!