I will skip them for now.
First the full output:
As of Sat Feb 6 12:28:23 UTC 2016
"blocks" : 734247,
Total NBT = 3223876.6386
FSRT multisig
Balance of BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC is 2000000 NBT
FSRT singlesig
Balance of BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi is 103104.7025 NBT
JordanLee singlesig
Balance of B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj is 150000 NBT
FLOT 3-of-5 multisig
Balance of BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js is 160628.65 NBT
Total NBT in circulation is 810143.286100 NBT.
Required 15% reserve is 121521.492915 NBT
Tier 4 BTC
Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by FLOT
FLOT 5-of-8 multisig old
Balance of 3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG is 124 BTC
FLOT 5-of-8 multisig new
Balance of 3HikFkS2Zinab1TJq7dqp6wSPyLu7i7bhe is 142.10575761 BTC
Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by JordanLee 174.8 BTC
status of sell side gateway:
“BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv” : {
“buy” : 4317.96,
“sell” : 7273.609
status of buy side gateway:
“BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP” : {
“buy” : 6595.22,
“sell” : 5647.5302
bitfinex mid price is 374.33 USD
Tier 4 buy side funds total 440.905758 BTC, valued $165044.252246
121521.492915 NBT excluded from the share buyback calculation equals 324.637333 BTC.
440.905758 - 324.637333 = 116.268424 BTC sits in the share buyback pool.
10 percent of this – 11.626842 BTC-- will be used for share buyback next week.
That is equivalent to approximately $4352.275933.
Here is the code.
NUD=./nud echo As of `date --utc` $NUD --unit=B getinfo | grep 'blocks' totalNBT=`$NUD --unit=B getinfo | awk '$1 ~ /moneysupply/{print $3}' | tr -d ,` echo Total NBT = $totalNBT echo $totalNBT > templist echo function nbtBalance { tempval=`curl -s http://blockexplorer.nu/api/addressInfo/$1 | awk 'BEGIN{RS=",\"";FS=":"}{print $1,$2}' | grep totalBalanceInt | awk '{print $2}'`;echo Balance of $1 is $tempval NBT; } function btcBalance { tempval=`curl -s http://btc.blockr.io/api/v1/address/info/$1 | awk 'BEGIN{RS=",\"";FS=":"}{print $1,$2}' | grep balance\" | awk '{print $2}'`;echo Balance of $1 is $tempval BTC; } function btcPrice { tempval=`curl -s https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/pubticker/btcusd | awk 'BEGIN{RS=",\"";FS=":"}{print $1,$2}' | grep mid | awk '{print $2}'| tr -d \"`;echo bitfinex mid price is $tempval USD; } echo FSRT multisig nbtBalance BhCnQrYrA5LZm871dtMQEXeU93gmqbhdrC echo $tempval >> templist echo FSRT singlesig nbtBalance BFTnCyMX1nsTNp6X7Bcm1qVocvShdbwtMi echo $tempval >> templist echo JordanLee singlesig nbtBalance B5Zi5XJ1sgS6mWGu7bWJqGVnuXwiMXi7qj echo $tempval >> templist echo FLOT 3-of-5 multisig nbtBalance BqyRzFtWXDmjxrYpyJD42MLE5xc8FrB4js echo $tempval >> templist #cat templist # calc the first line minus rest of the lines circNBT=`awk '{if(n) c-=$1; else {c=$1;n=1}}END{printf "%f",c;printf "%f",c*0.15 > "reserve"}' templist` echo echo Total NBT in circulation is $circNBT NBT. echo Required 15% reserve is `cat reserve` NBT echo echo **Tier 4 BTC** echo echo Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by FLOT echo FLOT 5-of-8 multisig old btcBalance 3QDWJ2yqJ5iTUg6cSpAwxx95ba3NG97hzG echo $tempval > templist echo FLOT 5-of-8 multisig new btcBalance 3HikFkS2Zinab1TJq7dqp6wSPyLu7i7bhe echo $tempval >> templist echo Tier 4 buy side funds controlled by JordanLee [174.8 BTC]\(https://discuss.nubits.com/t/nsr-buyback-calculations/3347/51\) echo 174.8 >> templist echo echo status of sell side gateway: $NUD getliquidityinfo B | grep BETwD8nSjtj9ADSvej2na34xmsMYwPRymv -A 2 echo status of buy side gateway: $NUD getliquidityinfo B | grep BFGMPykfKxXZ1otrCZcsbnTwJjKHPP9dsP -A 2 echo btcPrice bp=$tempval awk '{c+=$1}END{\ printf "Tier 4 buy side funds total %f BTC, valued $%f\n",c,c*BTCP;\ printf "%f NBT excluded from the share buyback calculation equals %f BTC.\n",RES,RES/BTCP;\ pool=c-RES/BTCP;\ printf "%f - %f = %f BTC sits in the share buyback pool.\n",c,RES/BTCP,pool;\ printf "10 percent of this **-- %f BTC-- will be used for share buyback next week.**\n",pool*0.1;\ printf "That is equivalent to approximately $%f.\n",pool*0.1*BTCP;\ }' RES=`cat reserve` BTCP=$bp templist