Supply, Reserves, and Equilibrium (superseded by automation)

Equilibrium 2017–09–14

Circulating US-NBT: 1,053,555.2817
Reserve percentage: (50 - 1,053,555.2817 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.3683
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.40 * 1,053,555.2817 = 421,422
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 845,888
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 421,422 = 84,284
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (421,422 - 845,888) = -2,547

  • Equilibrium is having $421,422 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Currently, the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $845,888.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $2,547 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

Changes applied according to Minor and temporary modifications to liquidity model.

1 Like

Supply 2017–09–18

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,584,298

Existing: 4,341,519.4366
Parked: 41,094.0046

Liquidity Operations*: 1,227,180.6500
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 153,054.6212
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,407,657.1410

Circulating: 892,768.2910

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,584,299

Existing: 3,159,331,082

Liquidity Operations*: 147,868,212
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 159,577,429
Cryptopia: 4,000,000
Novaexchange: 0
Nu-owned: 381,730,326

Circulating: 2,777,600,756

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn

Reserves 2017–09–18

Dollar amounts represent assets’ value in USD.

Asset values

Bitcoin (BTC) = $4076.68
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = $477.35
Ethereum (ETH) = $291.99
Stellar Lumens (XLM) = $0.013296
Dotcoin (DOT) = $0.004839

Cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4)

Bittrex (BTC): $163,811
Alcurex (BTC): $3,079

Liquidity Operations* (BTC): $550,783
Liquidity Operations** (BTC): $20,383
Liquidity Operations* (BCH): $54,440

Bittrex, Stellar Lumens (XLM): $778
Cryptopia, Dotcoin (DOT): $968

Total: $794,243

* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea
** 18xHTfuK7skDgGeABqm3sG5MgLC2U9qVL4

Park Rates (tier 5)

Parked US NuBits: 41,094.0046 US-NBT
Parked Chinese NuBits: 0.0000 CN-NBT

Backbone reserve (tier 6)

Monthly liquidity of NuShares: $166,625 plus 5.18943491 BTC in Manual Exchange between 2017–08–27 and 2017–09–14.

Equilibrium 2017–09–18

Circulating US-NBT: 892,768.2910
Reserve percentage: (50 - 892,768.2910 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.3884
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.40 * 892,768.2910 = 357,107
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 794,243
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 357,107 = 71,421
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (357,107 - 794,243) = -2,623

  • Equilibrium is having $357,107 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Today the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $794,243.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $2,623 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

Supply 2017–09–25

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,595,462

Existing: 4,341,518.3033
Parked: 41,219.5332

Liquidity Operations*: 1,117,180.5600
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 136,440.5700
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,281,042.9998

Circulating: 1,019,255.7703

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,595,462

Existing: 3,252,694,683

Liquidity Operations*: 147,868,212
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 172,977,724
Cryptopia: 4,000,000
Novaexchange: 0.0000
Nu-owned: 395,130,621

Circulating: 2,857,564,063

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn

Reserves 2017–09–25

Dollar amounts represent assets’ value in USD.

Asset values

Bitcoin (BTC) = $3926.60
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = $446.43
Ethereum (ETH) = $292.52
Stellar Lumens (XLM) = $0.012235
Dotcoin (DOT) = $0.003544

Cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4)

Bittrex (BTC): $126,548
Alcurex (BTC): $3,569

Liquidity Operations* (BTC): $665,728
Liquidity Operations** (BTC): $19,633
Liquidity Operations* (BCH): $50,914

Bittrex, Stellar Lumens (XLM): $715
Cryptopia, Dotcoin (DOT): $709

Total: $867,817

* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea
** 18xHTfuK7skDgGeABqm3sG5MgLC2U9qVL4

Park Rates (tier 5)

Parked US NuBits: 41,219.5332 US-NBT
Parked Chinese NuBits: 0.0000 CN-NBT

Backbone reserve (tier 6)

Monthly liquidity of NuShares: $182,156 plus 5.18943491 BTC in Manual Exchange between 2017–08–27 and 2017–09–14.

Equilibrium 2017–09–25

Circulating US-NBT: 1,019,255.7703
Reserve percentage: (50 - 1,019,255.7703 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.3726
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.40 * 1,019,255.7703 = 407,702
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 867,817
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 407,702 = 81,540
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (407,702 - 867,817) = -2,761

  • Equilibrium is having $407,702 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Currently, the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $867,817.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $2,761 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

1 Like

Supply 2017–10–02

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,606,013

Existing: 4,342,636.0224
Parked: 38,826.4875

Liquidity Operations*: 917,080.5100
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 170,123.8964
SouthXchange: 100.0000
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,114,726.2762

Circulating: 1,189,083.2587

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,606,016

Existing: 3,253,116,691

Liquidity Operations*: 147,868,212
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 186,739,620
Cryptopia: 4,000,000
Novaexchange: 0.0000
SouthXchange: 0.0000
Nu-owned: 408,892,517

Circulating: 2,844,224,175

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn

Reserves 2017–10–02

Dollar amounts represent assets’ value in USD.

Asset values

Bitcoin (BTC) = $4427.00
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = $418.19
Ethereum (ETH) = $298.49
Stellar Lumens (XLM) = $0.012908
Dotcoin (DOT) = $0.004855

Cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4)

Bittrex (BTC): $80,566
Alcurex (BTC): $14,236
SouthXchange (BTC): $1,018

Liquidity Operations* (BTC): $993,243
Liquidity Operations** (BTC): $0
Liquidity Operations* (BCH): $47,693

Bittrex, Stellar Lumens (XLM): $755
Cryptopia, Dotcoin (DOT): $971

SouthXchange (USD): $44

Total: $1,138,527

* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea
** 18xHTfuK7skDgGeABqm3sG5MgLC2U9qVL4

Park Rates (tier 5)

Parked US NuBits: 38,826.4875 USNBT
Parked Chinese NuBits: 0.0000 CNNBT

Backbone reserve (tier 6)

Monthly liquidity of NuShares: $180,668 plus 4.56724967 BTC in Manual Exchange between 2017–08–27 and 2017–09–02.


Equilibrium 2017–10–02

Circulating US-NBT: 1,189,083.2587
Reserve percentage: (50 - 1,189,083.2587 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.3513
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.40 * 1,189,083.2587 = 475,633
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 1,138,527
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 475,633 = 95,127
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (475,633 - 1,138,527) = -3,977

  • Equilibrium is having $475,633 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Currently, the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $1,138,527.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $3,977 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

1 Like

Supply 2017–10–09

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,615,535

Existing: 4,342,837.2500
Parked: 76,960.2075

Liquidity Operations*: 1,304,500.3152
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 77,306.6180
SouthXchange: 98.0020
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,409,326.8050

Circulating: 856,550.2375

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,615,563

Existing: 3,478,167,777

Liquidity Operations*: 150,844,699
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 200,258,283
Cryptopia: 4,000,000
Novaexchange: 823,250
Nu-owned: 426,210,917

Circulating: 3,051,956,860

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn

Reserves 2017–10–09

Dollar amounts represent assets’ value in USD.

Asset values

Bitcoin (BTC) = $4827.79
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = $314.05
Ethereum (ETH) = $296.28
Stellar Lumens (XLM) = $0.017344
Dotcoin (DOT) = $0.004336

Cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4)

Bittrex (BTC): $99,883
Alcurex (BTC): $14,948
SouthXchange (BTC): $130

Liquidity Operations* (BTC): $701,696
Liquidity Operations* (BCH): $35,817

Bittrex, Stellar Lumens (XLM): $1,014
Cryptopia, Dotcoin (DOT): $867

SouthXchange (USD): $842

Total: $855,197

* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea

Park Rates (tier 5)

Parked US NuBits: 76,960.2075 US-NBT
Parked Chinese NuBits: 0.0000 CN-NBT

Backbone reserve (tier 6)

Monthly liquidity of NuShares: $171,401


Equilibrium 2017–10–09

Circulating US-NBT: 856,550.2375
Reserve percentage: (50 - 856,550.2375 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.3929
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.40 * 856,550.2375 = 342,620
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 855,197
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 342,620 = 68,524
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (342,620 - 855,197) = -3,075

  • Equilibrium is having $342,620 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Currently, the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $855,197.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $3,075 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

Supply 2017–10–16

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,625,252

Existing: 4,342,835.7996
Parked: 78,986.2075

Liquidity Operations*: 1,289,500.2752
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 130,455.4183
SouthXchange: 2,499.9998
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,449,877.5631

Circulating: 813,972.0290

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,625,261

Existing: 3,478,555,451

Liquidity Operations*: 150,844,699
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 207,023,669
Cryptopia: 4,000,000
Novaexchange: 2,552,180
Nu-owned: 434,705,233

Circulating: 3,043,850,219

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn

Reserves 2017–10–16

Dollar amounts represent assets’ value in USD.

Asset values

Bitcoin (BTC) = $5744.16
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = $314.04
Ethereum (ETH) = $331.78
Stellar Lumens (XLM) = $0.035564
Dotcoin (DOT) = $0.005477
BlockShares (BKS) = $0.45

Cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4)

Bittrex (BTC): $93,948
Alcurex (BTC): $16,449
SouthXchange (BTC): $7,232
Novaexchange (BTC): $11,666

Liquidity Operations* (BTC): $778,023
Liquidity Operations* (BCH): $35,815
Liquidity Operations** (BKS): $450

Bittrex, Stellar Lumens (XLM): $0
Bittrex, Ethereum (ETH): $3,488

Cryptopia, Dotcoin (DOT): $0

SouthXchange (USD): $2,683

Total: $949,755

* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea

Park Rates (tier 5)

Parked US NuBits: 78,986.2075 US-NBT
Parked Chinese NuBits: 0.0000 CN-NBT

Backbone reserve (tier 6)

Monthly liquidity of NuShares: $128,150


Equilibrium 2017–10–16

Circulating US-NBT: 813,972.0290
Reserve percentage: (50 - 813,972.0290 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.3982
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.40 * 813,972.0290 = 325,589
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 949,755
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 325,589 = 65,118
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (325,589 - 949,755) = -3,745

  • Equilibrium is having $325,589 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Currently, the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $949,755.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $3,745 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

Supply 2017–10–23

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,635,084

Existing: 4,342,834.2750
Parked: 138,986.2075

Liquidity Operations*: 1,288,590.7230
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 120,000.0000
SouthXchange: 15,000.9639
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,451,013.5567

Circulating: 752,834.5108

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,635,084

Existing: 3,478,946,489

Liquidity Operations*: 159,842,899
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 218,587,775
Cryptopia: 0
Novaexchange: 3,252,709
Blocked: 119,424,095
Nu-owned: 571,392,163

Circulating: 2,907,554,327

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn

Reserves 2017–10–23

Dollar amounts represent assets’ value in USD.

Asset values

Bitcoin (BTC) = $5823.56
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) = $312.03
Ethereum (ETH) = $282.66
BlockShares (BKS) = $0.45

Cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4)

Alcurex (BTC): $8,119
Bittrex (BTC): $41,177
Novaexchange (BTC): $8,647
SouthXchange (BTC): $7,317

Liquidity Operations* (BTC): $816,734
Liquidity Operations* (BCH): $35,586
Liquidity Operations** (BKS): $1,863

Bittrex (ETH): $2,972
SouthXchange (USD): $9,998

Total: $932,413

* 17owruzTRANDYwCq77bSABQLXBxx3QaCea
** 8MxJYq49Hc3TuLohvBv3M2AHp2K5zX4Luk, 8Ge1xPU3N9j1uzq25W2ZhwYWk3Z5GFJJhx

Park Rates (tier 5)

Parked US NuBits: 138,986.2075 US-NBT
Parked Chinese NuBits: 0.0000 CN-NBT

Backbone reserve (tier 6)

Monthly liquidity of NuShares: $138,919 (missing volume data from Novaexchange)


Equilibrium 2017–10–23

Circulating US-NBT: 752,834.5108
Reserve percentage: (50 - 752,834.5108 / (2,000,000 / 25)) / 100 = 0.4059
Temporary minimum reserve percentage: 0.40 (40%)
Equilibrium reserve: 0.4059 * 752,834.5108 = 305,576
Current cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 932,413
Minimum cryptoasset reserve (tier 1–4): 0.20 * 305,576 = 61,115
Daily move to equilibrium: 0.006 * (305,576 - 932,413) = -3,761

  • Equilibrium is having $305,576 in the cryptoasset reserve.
  • Currently, the cryptoasset reserve is valued at $932,413.
  • NuShare buybacks for the amount $3,761 per day will begin.

Daily move to equilibrium is the amount in USD of how many NuShares will be sold or repurchased every day toward reserve equilibrium.

Supply 2017–10–30

US NuBits (US-NBT)

Block height: 1,646,146

Existing: 4,342,846.6087
Parked: 137,280.2075

Liquidity Operations*: 1,271,816.6630
Liquidity Operations**: 2,000,000.0000
Bittrex: 93,279.3712
SouthXchange: 15,000.5864
NuLagoon Tube: 27,421.8698
Nu-owned: 3,407,518.4904

Circulating: 798,047.9108

* B71AkDjzm4S24KoXGoq6W3hynexAyNb9FV
** BA82T18qnhtmAmJG3U5rcmzvqdUJ6YTd3d

Chinese NuBits (CN-NBT)

Existing: 1,999,999.0000
Parked: 0.0000

Liquidity Operations*: 1,999,999.0000

Circulating: 0.0000

* Yh4LvkkQQSEjQfPmqEYB6PkL2SqmC1W43E

NuShares (NSR)

Block height: 1,646,147

Existing: 3,479,386,533

Liquidity Operations*: 159,842,899
FLOT 1**: 64,344,685
FLOT 2***: 5,940,000
Alcurex: 233,483,570
Novaexchange: 3,252,709
Quarantine: 119,424,095
Nu-owned: 586,287,958

Circulating: 2,893,098,575

* SaaP8P3TH8HU27MBkhH6j8EhQ9AvAEY27J
** SvtGbNjWE49pTM2TiUZrYKSNkxTJx75mmC
*** Snvrc5q82wfe2NjEjaQAyStpPKseWrsNqn