[Sell Side]Bter.com @huafei

This is the thread in order to make available the details about the passive Nubot Sell side in Bter and to report the status and other information.

NBT deposit address:



have 5 NBT to test

nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
“buy” : 0.04,
“sell” : 5.0529

@masterOfDisaster here is my setting file , Is that OK? Or any suggestion ?

“apikey”: “xxxxx”,
“apisecret”: “xxx”,
“txfee”: 0.2,

“dualside”: false,
“priceincrement”: 0.1,
“bypassStreaming”: false,
“streamingServer” : “stream.tradingbot.nu:8889”,

“nubitaddress”: “BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD”,
“nudip”: “”,
“nudport”: 14001,
“rpcpass”: “xxx”,
“rpcuser”: “xxx”,

“wallchangeThreshold”: 0.1,
“backupfeeds”: [“coinbase”],

“bookDisabletier2”: false,

“bookSellwall”: 1000.0,
“bookSellOffset”: 0.01,
“bookSellInterval”: 0.015,
“bookSellMaxVolumeCumulative” : 0,
“bookSellType”: “exp”,
“bookSellSteepness”: “low”,

“bookBuywall”: 1000.0,
“bookBuyOffset”: 0.048,
“bookBuyInterval”: 0.015,
“bookBuyMaxVolumeCumulative” : 0,
“bookBuyType”: “log”,
“bookBuySteepness”: “low”

For reference:

I’d adjust that:

“apikey”: “xxxxx”,
“apisecret”: “xxx”,
“txfee”: 0.2,

“dualside”: false,
“priceincrement”: 0.1,
“bypassStreaming”: false,
“streamingServer” : “stream.tradingbot.nu:5556”,

“nubitaddress”: “BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD”,
“nudip”: “”,
“nudport”: 14001,
“rpcpass”: “xxx”,
“rpcuser”: “xxx”,

“wallchangeThreshold”: 0.1,
“backupfeeds”: [“coinbase”],

“bookDisabletier2”: false,

“bookSellwall”: 500.0,
“bookSellOffset”: 0.01,
“bookSellInterval”: 0.05,
“bookSellMaxVolumeCumulative” : 2000,
“bookSellType”: “exp”,
“bookSellSteepness”: “high”,

“bookBuywall”: 0.0,
“bookBuyOffset”: 0.035,
“bookBuyInterval”: 0.015,
“bookBuyMaxVolumeCumulative” : 0,
“bookBuyType”: “log”,
“bookBuySteepness”: “low”

That stuff isn’t quite right. You should set the sell wall to 500, the buy wall to 0. Also sell cumulative to 1000 and buy cumulative to 0.

A sell offset of 0.01 is correct according to the 2% spread in your motion.

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A pity that the offset needs to be that low… :wink:
My offer allows requires an offset at above 1%.

Btw. - if you have no buy side, you don’t have a spread, right? :wink:

i consider change it to 1.5% because less volume at BTER, BUT can i do it ?

Virtual spread, the price feed is well known.

edited setting file as @masterOfDisaster 's suggestion and restart nubot

receive 2000NBT from FLOT and order open by nubot

nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
“buy” : 0.08,
“sell” : 500.0

1% deposit bonus(20nbt) sitting at account

P.S.:there are 2 open order , but only send 500nbt to liquidityinfo , Is that OK? @masterOfDisaster

I seriously don’t know why only 500 NBT are reported as liquidity, but I can confirm that:

nud getliquiditydetails B | grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 100 | grep 0.4.1_1459429163391_f75056 -A 2
        "1:NBTBTC:bter:0.4.1_1459429163391_f75056" : {
            "buy" : 0.0,
            "sell" : 500.0
        "2:NBTBTC:bter:0.4.1_1459429163391_f75056" : {
            "buy" : 0.02,
            "sell" : 0.0

Can you please check your NuBot logs?
Is 0.4.1_1459429163391_f75056 really the current session?
Is broadcasting liquidity ok according to the logs or are there any reports about trouble?

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a big mistake to forget this …
place sell order far away from target price, sorry

set to true , and the liquidityinfo for now

nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
“buy” : 0.08,
“sell” : 2025.0529

@masterOfDisaster can your have a look?

Sorry for overlooking the priceincrement setting…

"priceincrement": 0.0,

is much better…

The liquidity report looks good:

 nud getliquiditydetails  B | grep 0.4.1_1459954434627_a0b3e3 -A 2
        "1:NBTBTC:bter:0.4.1_1459954434627_a0b3e3" : {
            "buy" : 0.0,
            "sell" : 500.0
        "2:NBTBTC:bter:0.4.1_1459954434627_a0b3e3" : {
            "buy" : 0.02,
            "sell" : 1525.0529

But why did you set bookDisabletier2 to true?
You don’t want to have more than 500 NBT at once on order?
If you have

"bookDisabletier2": false,

You can use the parametric order book to place additional orders (additional to "bookSellwall": 500.0,) at a bigger offset.

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Type Balance In Orders Total

NuBits NBT 1,525.052874 500.000000 2,025.052874

set to true,

nud getliquidityinfo B | grep BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD -A 2
        "BRUuKfGur7CZSLy65gYUPJUQyQZeT1XQnD" : {
            "buy" : 0.08,
            "sell" : 2025.0529

Type Balance In Orders Total

NuBits NBT 1,525.052874 500.000000 2,025.052874

no trade happen …

So you didn’t sell a single NBT in the last 16 days?

1% offset is so hight i think, can i set lower ?

I don’t think so: