[Passed] Proposal to continue LPC operation on CCEDK's NBT/USD for 60 days and with 10k NBT liquidity

Hi @cryptog

Here are the details for the Custodian Vote on BCFQHtHjcisGVHY7sY2jERBHTYqZLhSxmM:

[1]: https://discuss.nubits.com/t/cybnates-datafeed-beta
###1.00 NBT.
Blocks: 1998 (19.980000%)
Share Days: 610186963 (18.172653%)

Charter Cybnate's datafeed - BETA

Here is the information to subscribe to my experimental datafeed. Please take note of the disclaimer at the bottom before subscribing:

URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cybnate/NuNet-datafeed/master/Cybnate-datafeed.json
Signature URL: Read More

This proposal passed.
But given the recent events on CCEDK, I am afraid to have to tell shareholders that I need to postpone its execution until the situation gets clarified.
Tks for your understanding.


Very understandable. Take your time while we are all getting to grips with this.

Any thoughts on this already?

I am not keen right now on extending the LPC operations on CCEDK unfortunately.
I am ready to give back the 1NBT if necessary.

Once the code is open-sourced, there will likely be LPC opportunities available at more desirable exchanges.

Yes I look forward to considering other exchanges (in that case, I guess I would have to make another proposal) but I am not rejecting the idea of being again a LPC on CCEDK at my next contribution. In that case, I guess I would be able to use this proposal.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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