[Passed] NuPond Term 5 Fixed Cost Motion

The only way you could get that error is if you got an exception from your query to the bitfinex server.

I am reading the code. accessing https://api.bitfinex.com/v1//pubticker/btcusd is no problem. So that warning line was incidental and irrelevant.

Ok, so what’s the current issue? @huafei had an issue with tolerance that I’m still not comfortable with, but do you @mhps experience any outstanding problems? What are the symptoms? If you set a small deviation, does the bot move the orders often?

2015/11/08-09:44:30 INFO: bter - balance: 0.97947640 rate: 0.31% ppm: 0.00012467 efficiency: 100.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - btc - bid: 7.7702 x 0.59% - ask: 50.8120 x 0.26% - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/11/08-09:45:30 INFO: bter - balance: 0.97964365 rate: 0.56% ppm: 0.00022687 efficiency: 100.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - btc - bid: 7.7702 x 2.48% - ask: 50.8120 x 0.26% - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/11/08-09:46:30 INFO: bter - balance: 0.97970890 rate: 0.08% ppm: 0.00002787 efficiency: 100.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - btc - ask: 50.8120 x 0.08% - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/11/08-09:47:30 INFO: bter - balance: 0.97973677 rate: 0.08% ppm: 0.00002787 efficiency: 100.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - btc - ask: 50.8120 x 0.08% - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/11/08-09:48:30 INFO: bter - balance: 0.97976464 rate: 0.08% ppm: 0.00002787 efficiency: 100.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - btc - ask: 50.8120 x 0.08% - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540

bid order gone…

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I don’t have an answer to this yet. If you can, please try https://github.com/inuitwallet/nu-pool using the same parameters (make sure you removed ‘shift’). Also, try decreasing ‘deviation’ a good bit (0.0005) to see if the bot replaces the orders often.

i am using verison 0.51 and i have seen the below random problems.

  1. ocasionally placing of bid and sell sides of 0.5 NBT only!
  2. no bid or sell amount accounted in INFO. amounts are set correctly in exchange.

these issues are the same in all ALPs!
I will try the new version now.

The newest fork is unstable (master branch is fine), I need to test it still. 1) is fixed by using the better restart, which I’ve reverted to in the new fork.

is your problem 2) the same problem as what @huafei is experiencing?

yes it is the same.
then i should wait and not try it yet?
(the pool.conf has only 2 optional parameters. interest and ordermatch )

Oh, you’re looking at Innuit wallet, that’s Sam’s fork. It’s very stable and accepts the deviation and offset parameters.

where are those parameters? not in pool.conf.

You can copy in the config file from an alp collection directory, just rename it ‘pool.conf’ and make sure to delete the ‘shift’ parameter if you added one.

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How small is small? I have tried 0.001 to 0.01 including 0,0025 default. With alpcollectiion the walls don’t move. With the old version shift doesn’t w ork.

Yah, delete shift, we don’t need it to troubleshoot this problem.

I am working on it, I can’t promise I’ll find a solution, but I can hope. It sounds like the deviation just isn’t working. I took a look and couldn’t identify anything, but I’ll keep troubleshooting.

I have fixed this issue as well as a few other things. I highly recommend LPs that are using my software to upgrade to the new version that I just pushed:

Also, delete any ‘shift’ parameters for now.