[Passed] NuPond Term 5 Fixed Cost Motion

and this is profitable calculating also the trade fees? and by how much profitable?

Itā€™s not an exact science. When someone puts an order on btc/cny that is outside the price band determined by offset and fees (~1.5%) it triggers bots to locally arbitrage off our nbt pairs. This happened a good bit in the past day. Add to the volatility the issue of pegging to cny instead of USD and we create a pretty powerful arbitrage gateway where custodians are doing the arbitrage legwork between exchanges.

well, i donā€™t know about this :smile:
but i am sure that low bid wall is due also to some (bug?) in bterā€™s API or pybot which cause no payout of bid amount
although orders are set!

no one sell nbt to cnyā€¦

Hey, so Iā€™m getting confused with why thereā€™s such a large deviation in the price of my custodians. NuPond has sell orders at 406 and 411, which is >1% deviation (should be 0.25%). Iā€™ll check out the logs and so on when I get home tonight. Iā€™m not convinced my custodians are really losing money, so meh.

The custodians are selling nbt to cny, $2,388 is 24-hr volume. They get to sell at a 0.4% markup, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s enough. Does 1.5% seem excessive? NuRiver is trying out 3%.

Is such an activity profitable for Nu? If yes to which extent?
Do you think it could create a strong demand for NuBits?
To me, the answer is yes if there are a lot of traders that are looking to try to profit from such a scheme.
I am talking about making NuBits an arbitrage vehicle on a single exchange.
We are not even talking about arbitrage between exchangesā€¦

Yah, I mean ultimately we want this. Itā€™s a question of how much we can take on all at once, which is represented by how tight a peg we try to keep. I think we could stand to loosen the cny peg a good bit.

There was a rally in cny against usd in the last 24 hr. it was good to have cny than nbt

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Youā€™re right! Awesome.

only bter have nbt/cny market :disappointed_relieved:

1.27% bid, 0.12% ask. Someoneā€™s not getting credited properly for their 3,000 or the 1,400 nbt bid. I wonder, does a hard bot restart help? Iā€™m not having problems getting credited on bid side. If you try a smaller offset does that help?

Edit: The price moved a little I think and now Iā€™m crediting the one at 4024. I think the issue might be tolerance; I can probably just increase the tolerance a little to preserve the SAF, but Iā€™d like to know why my formula isnā€™t working. If you arenā€™t getting credited properly, please try a slightly smaller offset, like 0.006 instead of 0.007.

Edit: For whatever reason all the orders are being credited properly now. The rates are 0.14% bid, 0.07% ask.

2015/10/17-06:42:08 INFO: bter - balance: 0.00000000 rate: 0.00% ppm: 0.00000000 efficiency: 0.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/10/17-06:42:47 ERROR: unable to place ask btc order at 0.00370815 on bter: matching order at 0.00370900 detected
2015/10/17-06:43:08 INFO: bter - balance: 0.00000000 rate: 0.00% ppm: 0.00000000 efficiency: 0.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/10/17-06:43:47 ERROR: unable to place ask btc order at 0.00370815 on bter: matching order at 0.00370900 detected
2015/10/17-06:44:08 INFO: bter - balance: 0.00000000 rate: 0.00% ppm: 0.00000000 efficiency: 0.00% rejects: 0 missings: 0 - 835BA98B-E192-47A4-82C2-EDE006C44540
2015/10/17-06:44:47 ERROR: unable to place ask btc order at 0.00370815 on bter: matching order at 0.00370900 detected

Yah, the matching order thing is something that was supposed to be fixed a long time ago but never got fixed. Basically, if you have ordermatch=true the bot is supposed to buy that matching order at 0.00370900 but it doesnā€™t and instead just complains that it canā€™t put the order up. Iā€™ll see what I can do.

That is the first time I read that this doesnā€™t work.
@huafei do you have ordermatch=true in your config?

I had this issue several times - with ordermatch ā€œtrueā€. I can confirm that this is an unfixed issue.
The good thing about it is: it rarely occurs.
If the matching order doesnā€™t have much volume you can consider buying it manually - the bot would have done it anyway had it worked properly :wink:

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I thought I did fix this. Basically thereā€™s a multi Condition block. The order match=true condition is the last one in the block whereas it should be the first.
Iā€™ll take another look and confirm that it is like that.

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I may not have pulled it properly. I tried to copy and paste your entire trading.py instead of pulling so thereā€™s some weird stuff going on on the github. Iā€™ll check later today that we are using the same code there.

@Nagalim ordermatch=true and change it to false now

no payment today?

Setting that to false wonā€™t help, you should leave it true.

Youā€™re right that there was no payout. Thatā€™s weird, Iā€™ll check it out today and do a manual payout if needed. The bots are all still workingā€¦

Edit: My nud crashed, I donā€™t know why, I just restarted it. Iā€™m going to let the server keep running, it should backpay on its own tonight without me messing with it. Iā€™m hoping it wasnā€™t a memory issue, Iā€™ve already got the 2GB server that everyone else is using.

Sorry, @woolly_sammoth, I apparently didnā€™t copy that code. Iā€™ll see what I can do about it.

Edit: Fixed it, it was just two ā€˜elifā€™ statements, no big deal.