[Passed] New CNY Feed for NuPond

I see.

If anyone has any arguments against this, I’m all ears. So far I haven’t seen any opposition but im not seeing a whole lot of support on the block chain.

I guess I should announce that as long as this motion has no articulated opposition but still lacks shareholder support, I do not intend on renewing the CNY grant on NuPond. If the shareholders let this issue stagnate it will result in NuPond shutting down operations on the CNY/NBT market.

I am convinced that the current price feed is unpeggable and I refuse to continue spending shareholder funds trying.


As someone who supports this LP I agree with this.

In that case I will vote for this grant.

20b265248d00ec5b5662baca002fee7df277c287 verified and voted.

Adding to my feed. Current feed is not sustainable, not convinced that new feed would solve all problems but it is worth a try. Hope the updated clients can be at least backwards compatible for those who like to switch to Nu-Pool or LiquidBits.

I hope to make a final update that works for all pools and asking MoD to pull it once I’ve done that. It only takes an update to the config files, some of the variables changed name and type (ex. Fillfactor is now a dictionary named fillamount)

notice us update the client when change the server side

Dec 29th 3PM GMT the server will switch over. This is a hair less than 24 hours from now.
I have merged the github branches:

The CNY pool is not expected to work properly until tomorrow at 3PM GMT. If you run it, it will periodically (and briefly) put up orders at the old price until that time, so in the meantime it shouldn’t be dangerous to do, but it will not earn you much reward.

By the way, the price feeds are almost identical right now by coincidence, so you actually do get paid right now.

Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py”, line 810, in __bootstrap_inner
File “/home/pool/nalp/python/trading.py”, line 342, in run
File “/home/pool/nalp/python/trading.py”, line 278, in place_orders
self.place(‘bid’, bidprice)
File “/home/pool/nalp/python/trading.py”, line 206, in place
empty = ast.literal_eval(self.fillamount)[‘bid’] - fullbid
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/ast.py”, line 80, in literal_eval
return _convert(node_or_string)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/ast.py”, line 79, in _convert
raise ValueError(‘malformed string’)
ValueError: malformed string

Check your pool config file. Do you have a ‘fillamount’ dictionary parameter with a bid and an ask?

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Need to add shift and fillamount to all configs.

yes, I will update all pools (NuPool and so on) and have MoD merge with me. I just want to give it a little bit of time and make sure the config file wording is the way I want it. Copying the config files is just annoying to do several times, if you want to do the work feel free to make a pull request.

New CNY feed goes live in 10 minutes.

setting my config now:smiley:

@Nagalim cny pool using port 3335 or 3336?

3335, the most recent github update should be plug and play.

And by wonderful coincidence BTC starts doing crazy stuff. Make sure you use the wider deviation, which is also in the github update.

Oh, by the way, I commented out the Yahoo feed entirely because I thought it was dangerous to fall back on. If OkCoin and BTCChina both don’t work the bot won’t register a feed (and will delete orders like normal if the blackout persists)

yahoo not act as backup feed?

Imagine the yahoo feed is 5% lower than the BTC-derived feed. Now, imagine a 1 minute interval where you can’t communicate with OKCoin and BTCChina, but you can with Yahoo. If others can still talk to OKCoin and BTCChina, you will immediately sell them all your funds. This is worse than having no backup. Imagine if the server did this to the clients.

If the feed stops working for real, I’ll switch back to the old feed and tell everyone. I don’t think that will happen.

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Updated unix configs and made pull request.
Thanks for making the CNY change.