[PASSED] Motion to modify terms of custodain grant


This motion has gotten 52.74%. Therefore this motion is passed.

EDIT: Not yet passed.

No, it has not passed yet. It needs > 50% of the blocks AND > 50% of the share age. Right now it meets the requirements for the first part, but it is still ~3.5% under the required share days destroyed.


Sorry for the mistake. Share age is still used but that won’t be the case in the near future, in my understanding.
How can you check the share age btw?
Does it correspond to CDD?

Exactly the same thing. CDD (“Coin Days Destroyed”) is just a term that carried over from Peercoin.

Got it. Tks.

This motion has passed. The changes will go into effect immediately.

"4c1fa7b6b7b435bb215b93a771681232f1fd6237" : {
"blocks" : 6313,
"block_percentage" : 63.13,
"sharedays" : 1741600271,
"shareday_percentage" : 56.27961303

Thank you for your continued support.
